Journal of Social Science
ISSN 2311-3626

Available Papers List

Volume & Issue Author`s Name Title
Volume 3 Issue 1Dipika MajumderContributions and Loopholes of Tourism Sector in BangladeshDownload
Volume 3 Issue 1Mohammad Shariful IslamAbuse and Neglect of the Elderly: Bangladesh PerspectiveDownload
Volume 3 Issue 1মুহাম্মদ আনওয়ারুস সালাম, রোবায়েত ফেরদৌসসংবাদপত্রে নারী ও শিশুর প্রতি সহিংসতার উপস্থাপন: একটি সমীক্ষাDownload
Volume 3 Issue 1Mamun ChowdhuryMarket Forces and Exploitation: Causes for Faster Growth and Competitiveness1 of Bangladesh Ready-made Garments IndustryDownload
Volume 3 Issue 1Md. Mohsin Reza,Kanamik Kani KhanReducing Exploitation of the Borrowers through Increasing the Sustainability of Microcredit ProgramDownload