Prof. Dr. Abu Sayed Md. Ripon Rouf
Department of Statistics

Biography of Prof. Dr. Abu Sayed Md. Ripon Rouf

Contract Informations


Department of Statistics

Jagannath University, Dhaka

Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh

Telephone Number: +880 2 9583779 (Office)

Mobile Number: +8801711-183611

E-mail: ,


Academic Profile

Ph. D. on “Mortality Trends, Differentials and modeling for Mortality Forecasting in Bangladesh” from University of Rajshahi in 2017.

MSc. (Master of Science)  in Statistics (1992-1993) held in 1996, University of Rajshahi, Secured First Class with First position.

BSc. (Bachelor of Science with honours)  in Statistics (1992) held in 1995, University of Rajshahi.

HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) in Science group (1987) under Jessore Education Board, Secured First Division .

SSC (Secondary School Certificate) in Science group (1985) under Jessore Education Board, Secured First Division.