Message from the Chairman
Welcome to the Department of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
It is an immense pleasure to greet prospective students, current students, and visitors, as we immerse in the vast world of biotechnology. Studying Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology means our mission is to lead in understanding life, from molecules to cells, and organisms to ecosystems. Pursuing a University degree in this state-of-the-art subject leading the science, research and industry in the world is a great decision to make, especially in the Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Jagannath University.
Our curriculum, coursework and laboratory offerings make our department prodigious. The faculty, consisting of bright minds from all over the country is committed to excel in education and research. We are proud of the outstanding students and staff who make this possible. The collaborative nature of the department contributes to the enriched education and research environment of GEB, since its establishment in the year 2016.
In an effort to mentor young scientists to lead our country, the department offers Undergraduate program and a MSc Graduate program which is about to start. We show unparalleled dedication to meeting academic deadlines, hence ensuring no session jams. We are equipped with four excellent labs: Practical Laboratory, Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Bioinformatics Laboratory and Molecular Biology Laboratory where we provide careful hands-on training to each and every budding scientist who enroll in our department. There are – research projects which encourage an inquisitive mind as well as inter-disciplinary research and the participation of students. Here, we reach the golden standard of educating young minds in this science of twenty first century: Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
Most importantly, we engage and embrace a community of students, scholars and educators who are and will be the scientists of our country. Our undergraduate education nurtures our students’ eagerness to explore the natural world by presenting them with syllabi that comprises the most up to date knowledge of the miniscule micro-world to the gigantic macro-world. The syllabus ranges across animal biotechnology, plant biotechnology, bacteriology, virology, biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics, molecular biology, physiology, and many more. Additionally, our syllabus promotes critical thinking, problem solving and reasoning skills: which are crucial for a University graduate to make them active contributors in scientific discovery. Graduate training is entrenched in innovative, high-impact research but includes proficient growth to open up careers, in various job sectors: industries like that of Biotechnology, Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals etc, as well as Government and Non-government Scientific Organizations, Advanced jobs in the Healthcare and the Education sector.
The journey to develop a career and therefore studying the discipline of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is a fascinating one. It encompasses the combination of biology and technology, seemingly two opposite fields, with professionals using living organisms and the principles of biology to develop products and solve problems. The sky of Biotechnology includes the colors of main areas of biotechnology: white (industrial), green (agricultural), blue (marine and fresh-water), red (pharmaceutical and medicinal), brown (desert biotechnology), purple (patents and inventions). It is a great journey to embark upon, and by being a graduate of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, you can face the challenges of today's world that continue to pose problems for us in the future. Aside from benefiting society, a biotechnology major can be personally advantageous. You'll learn transferable skills: not only laboratory and quantitative skills but also skills in communication, entrepreneurship and on the other hand, study thought-provoking problems and come up with the most effective and unique solution in fields of medicine, agriculture, energy, environment, industry, and even the technology and electronics industry.
In Bangladesh, Biotechnology is gearing up. The root of biotechnology in Bangladesh was agricultural biotechnology but nowadays, Bangladesh is on the verge of adopting genetically modified (GM) crops for commercial cultivation and consumption as feed and food. Many laboratories are engaged in tissue culture and molecular characterization of plants, whereas some have started GM research despite shortage of trained manpower, infrastructure, and funding. Nutritionally improved Golden Rice, Bt brinjal, and late blight resistant potato are in contained trial in glasshouses while papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) resistant papaya is under approval process for field trial. During the covid pandemic, pharmaceuticals have even opted for production of vaccines and are already producing many biotech products in our country. In this race, GEB JnU is not lagging behind. We are researching on human disease, bioremediation, biofuel production, biopharmaceuticals, bio-nanoparticles, antimicrobials and emerging pathogens, and thus can make a full-on impact in the country’s biotechnology scene, covering a wide range of sectors.
Last but not the least, we welcome you to browse through to discover the breadth and depth of our educational motives, interests and the research opportunities in our lab, and embark on the journey of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology: the science of the twenty first century.
Best Wishes

Chairman, Department of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
View ProfileAbout Department of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
ourth industrial revolution (4IR) is knocking at the door, developing a skilled workforce in the modern sectors of applied science is essential for harnessing the possibilities and opportunities that are coming with it. Biotechnology is one such sector. The department of "Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology" of Jagannath University aims to provide students with the opportunity to obtain quality education in this sector. It is a multidisciplinary applied subject involving knowledge from biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, chemistry and bioinformatics. Here, students gather in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of cellular and molecular life sciences, along with the skills to turn their ideas into reality.
"Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology" is a new department in Jagannath University. It has been established in the year of 2016, aiming at generating skilled manpower with good theoretical and practical background. The founding chairman of the department was Professor Dr. Md. Zakaria Mia. Department started with nine faculty members and 30 students. After seven years, in 2024, there are 150 undergraduate students in 5 batches and 14 students in Masters Program. Currently the total number of faculty members is ten. At present, Professor Dr. Sumaiya Farah Khan is the chairman of the department.
Laboratory Facilities
As Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is an applied subject, the students of this department need to develop skills in performing sophisticated techniques of advanced molecular biology. Otherwise they won’t be fit for the professions of this field. Instruments used in biotechnology are very sophisticated and costly. Such drawbacks limit the availability of well furbished laboratories in our country. Remarkably, within just 5 years, this department has managed to establish four separate laboratories. This achievement has been possible due to continuous efforts that faculty members put in to the improvement of this department. These labs are well-furnished to provide students with hands-on practical experience of both laboratory and bioinformatics techniques.
Practical Laboratory
Our general laboratory offers comprehensive courses with ample space, ensuring every student has their own workstation. It accommodates up to thirty students simultaneously. We have established efficient systems for gas, water supply, and waste disposal. Our curriculum covers microscope techniques, titration analysis, biochemical tests, and general laboratory procedures.
Bioinformatics Laboratory
In response to the growing importance of bioinformatics in biotechnology, our department has established a state-of-the-art Bioinformatics Laboratory. This facility, generously funded by the Information and Communication Division (ICTD) of the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunication, and Information Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, is dedicated to teaching students the latest in-silico techniques. The lab boasts ten high-quality personal computers, each equipped with 8 GB RAM and a Core i7 processor. Designed to facilitate advanced research in genomics and proteomics, this well-equipped in-silico lab provides an ideal environment for cutting-edge exploration.
Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory
In this current era of rapid industrialization, environmental pollution poses serious threat to human civilization. Biotechnology can provide means to overcome these threats. GEB department of Jagannath University has already taken up a few research projects on bioremediation. For performing such research regarding environmental issues, a specialized lab has been established. There are instruments like surface-tensiometer, incubator, orbital shaker, water bath and micro-centrifuge etc.
Seeding Labs is an American non-profit organization that empowers talented scientists in developing countries to conduct life-changing research. In 2020, GEB department of Jagannath University, for the first time in Bangladesh, has achieved Seeding’s Lab Instrumental Access Award-2020. Under this project, department is going to get in total ninety instruments including two PCR machines, water purification system, biosafety cabinet, incubator etc. This lab will further enhance the ability of the department to conduct research in various fields of biotechnology.
Syllabus for BSc (Hon’s) in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
(For the Session 2016-2017 and onward)
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (GEB) deals with the applied aspects of modern biology. Cell and molecular level study of organisms leading to gene technology for applications is the main stream line of GEB. Isolation and characterization of single genes, manipulation of genes under controlled laboratory conditions, reintroduction and expression of these genes into cells of same or different species are the main focuses of GEB. It is the leading subject to meet the challenges of ever growing demand of food, medicine and others sophisticated necessities through production of genetically modified food (GMO), transgenic plants and animals, new enzymes, antibiotics, mitigation of polluted environment etc.
The department offers a full-time 4-year BSc (Hon’s) program in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. The program aims to give detailed knowledge and understanding of important aspects of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology as currently applied in industry, food, health and medical sciences, environmental management as well as in research. To be eligible for admission in the 4-year BSc (Hon’s) program, the candidates must have biology, chemistry and physics including mathematics in their Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination in Science group or recognized equivalent examinations. The educational qualification of the candidate shall be decided as per university admission rules. For obtaining the bachelor degree a student have to earn required number of total credit points successfully with the final CGPA of 2.5 (at least 50% of marks).
The 4-year BSc (Hon’s) will span over 8 semesters with 140 credits of which year-wise course distribution has been detailed in the following table. A minimum of 15 class hours will constitute one credit and will carry 25 marks. There shall be three types of courses Theoretical, Practical/Research Project/Presentation, and Viva-voce. Of the total 140 credits, 100 credits are allocated for Theoretical courses (departmental 84, and extra-departmental 16). Practical courses including research project/presentation contain 40 credits. Theoretical course will include class-teaching, open discussion, academic assignment etc. Each theoretical course will be evaluated by Continuous Assessment (30% marks) and Semester final Examination (70% marks). Practical courses for one credit point will be at least two contact hours in a week, and it will cover about 20% of the total credit hours.
During the final semester (8th semester), a research project will be assigned to the students and it will be decided by the departmental academic committee. Viva-voce examination will have 8 credit points and will be held at the end of 2nd semester-final examination in each academic year.
The year/semester-wise credit and marks distribution:
Theoretical: 100 = 71.4%, Practical: 30 = 21.4%, Presentation & Viva 10 = 7.2%
Outline of the Courses:
First Year (First Semester):
First Year (Second Semester):
Second Year (First Semester):
Second Year (Second Semester):
Third Year (First Semester):
Third Year (Second Semester):
Fourth Year (First Semester):
Fourth Year (Second Semester):
N.B.: For indicating course number GEB stands for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology with the four-digit number. The 1st number stands for year, the second digit stands for the semester (aggregated) and the last two digits for indicating the serial of the course in that semester.
* The extra-departmental course.
Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Jagannath University
The Degree of Master of Science in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology will be completed over a period of one academic year. It will comprise the courses on Advanced Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, Drug design and Pharmacogenomics, Industrial Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Aquatic Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biosecurity, Advanced Molecular Biology and Synthetic Biology. The courses are spread in two semesters. The qualification for admission to the MSc program is four years B.S. Honors degree in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. There will be two groups- the General Group (A) and the Thesis Group (B). The students able to meet the criteria (Standard CGPA) in 4 years honors course are only allowed for thesis works as per decision of the academic committee of the department. Final examinations will be held at the end of each semester and also there will be midterm examinations. The result of the degree will be published in grading system.
Every student must have to complete four compulsory courses and one optional course (either GEB 5105 or GEB 5106) in the first semester and two compulsory courses in the second semester. General group students should conduct practical courses and thesis group students should conduct research works and submit a dissertation in the second semester. General group and thesis group students have to complete 36 credits for their post-graduation degree. There will be 650 marks for theoretical courses consisting five courses having 100 marks (4 credits/ 3 credits), and one theoretical course containing 50 marks (2 credits). Final examination duration for 4 and 3 credit courses will be 3 hour and the duration of 2 credit courses is 2 hours, respectively (for both General and Thesis Group). A field work and report writing course as well as viva voce will also contain 50 marks respectively, allocated for 2 credits each in the second semester. For General Group (A), there will be a practical course of 150 marks and a seminar course of 50 marks. For Thesis Group, there will be thesis work of 150 marks, and thesis defense containing 50 marks.
There will be marks for class participation, mid-term examination and final examination for which the distribution of marks is as follows:
Class performance : 10% Midterm examination : 20% Final examination : 70% |
Class Attendance:
For a student to be eligible to appear at the Examination, he/she will be required to attend not less than 75% classes on an average. The Chairman of the department may recommend marginal cases of shortage of attendance (not below 60%) only on special ground to be supported by documentary evidences; but the student in these circumstances have to pay the requisite non-collegiate fees as per University rules. Class attendance marks will be allocated in sessional marks.
Grading System:
The grading system consists of Letter Grading Point Average (GPA), Letter Grade, Corresponding Grade Point will be awarded as follows:
Numerical Grade |
Letter Grade |
Grade Point |
80% and above |
A+ |
4.00 |
75% to less than 80% |
A |
3.75 |
70% to less than 75% |
A- |
3.50 |
65% to less than 70% |
B+ |
3.25 |
60% to less than 65% |
B |
3.00 |
55% to less than 60% |
B- |
2.75 |
50% to less than 55% |
C+ |
2.50 |
45% to less than 50% |
C |
2.25 |
40% to less than 45% |
C- |
2.00 |
Less than 40% |
F |
0.00 |
Absence in the final examination will be considered incomplete.
The distribution of courses for respective academic years and semesters is given below along with the detail of the courses.
Course Outline for MSc in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
Credit Hours |
Marks |
1st semester |
GEB 5101 |
Industrial Biotechnology |
04 |
60 |
100 |
GEB 5102 |
Aquatic Biotechnology |
04 |
60 |
100 |
GEB 5103 |
Advanced Bioinformatics and Systems Biology |
04 |
60 |
100 |
GEB 5104 |
Drug Design and Pharmacogenomics |
04 |
60 |
100 |
*GEB 5105 |
Advanced Molecular Biology |
03 |
45 |
100 |
*GEB 5106 |
Synthetic Biology |
03 |
45 |
100 |
Total credits in 1st semester |
19 |
285 |
500 |
2nd semester |
GEB 5201 |
Nanobiotechnology |
02 |
30 |
50 |
GEB 5202 |
Biosafety and Biosecurity |
03 |
45 |
100 |
GEB-F 5203 |
Industrial Tour |
02 |
30 |
50 |
GEB-V 5204 |
Viva Voce |
02 |
30 |
50 |
Thesis Group |
GEB-D 5205 |
Dissertation |
06 |
90 |
150 |
GEB-PD 5206 |
Thesis Defense |
02 |
30 |
50 |
General Group |
GEB-L 5207 |
Laboratory Experiments |
06 |
90 |
150 |
GEB-PD 5208 |
Seminar Presentation |
02 |
30 |
50 |
Total credits in 2nd semester |
17 |
255 |
450 |
Total credits |
36 |
540 |
950 |
(Note: * Denotes optional courses: Student should select any one of the optional courses from GEB 5105 and GEB 5106 to fulfill 19 credits in first semester).

Research Facilities
Faculty Research Areas
Software-Defined Network-Based Proactive Routing Strategy in Smart Power Grids Using Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Md. Aminul Islam
Software-Defined Network-Based Proactive Routing Strategy in Smart Power Grids Using Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Md. Aminul Islam
Conference Paper
Conference Proceeding
Book Chapter
Academic Projects
Funded Projects
Photo Gallery
Contact Information

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor
