Message from the Chairman

Welcome to the Department of Law

Law is a large canvas. It is full of mystery, controversy and contradiction. It often bewilders us. But the paradox is the beauty of the law. Let's recall Walt Whitman: "Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes)" – replies the law.

Lawyers and law are actively rewriting our world. Our legal education defines the class of lawyers and tests the merit of our laws. OW Holmes, a great American Judge rightly said that the role of legal education is not merely to teach law or make lawyers, it is to teach law grandly and to produce great lawyers.

"Law and lawyering" is an all-embracing idea, where it includes the judges, lawyers, academics, lawmakers, talk-showers and the like as characters. From this vantage, even musicians are lawyers –people's advocates!

At Jagannath Law, we emphasize the need for lawyering for the people, in whatever capacity, to uphold the dignity of human beings. We do not want to produce merely litigious lawyers!

Being a lawyer is a joy. We have many joys in life, being an active law pupil is an immediate joy, and being a lawyer is an ultimate joy. It gives you a great deal of happiness. J BH Chowdhury in 1974 in the celebrated case of AT Mridha remarked that the end of law is human happiness. At Jagannath Law we remember this motto. We also follow the poetic line of WH Auden that law is the senses of the young. Therefore, once you are at Jagnnath Law we take care of you--the young mind--the would be blawyers, judges, legal academics, leaders and human rights activists!

What I mean is studying, leading, mooting, lawyering and judging – all entail a beauty of performing and a promise for sacrifice.

Firstly, the law is an enormous world of intellectual hunt. You get to apply your mind every day. It asks us how to speak and read. I wonder whether at all we learned to read properly at our law schools. To be a lawyer, we need to develop the discipline for reading the legal sources wisely. We will train you how to formulate and present arguments. We will make you a better reader, a better writer and a better thinker.

Secondly, if you are a legal figure, people will treat you with respect. For that, of course, you need to have passion, emotion and a "heart" that "bleeds for the people"–to use Justice BB Roy Chowdhury's poignant phrase in the famous Dr. Mohiuddin Farooque (1997).

Thirdly, we teach our law graduates to do a bit of pro bono lawyering. That's the most important way that law makes us happy. American Justice Ginsburgonce said: "I can say that in my life as a lawyer, I gained greater satisfaction from things I wasn't paid to do than what I got a paycheck for."

We have a legal system and many people cynically say that it is designed and destined to penalise the poor. Now, this is a crisis of our legal system.

What to do? It's easy to talk about the need for law reform and to put a blame on the politicians. But what about our individual responsibility to work for justice? We hardly can deny that lawyers, legal institutions, law schools run our justice system as public defenders, law technicians and law-graduate suppliers. To that end, Jagannath Law is making an effort to make pro-people law graduates.

With these few words, I welcome all of you to the Department of Law, Jagannath University! Let our law study be a lovely pretext for attaining common good.

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Professor Dr. S M Masum Billah

Chairman, Department of Law

View Profile

About Department of Law

Department of Law at Jagannath University was established in 2008. The Department strives to be a leader and innovator in legal education, and a vibrant place of learning that values ideas, excellence and intellectual exchange. The curriculum of the Department is designed in a way that fosters an environment of interdisciplinary scholarship and enhances opportunities for students to learn and contribute to national and global legal issues. The Department has developed both curriculum and teaching methodology with a blend of practical and theoretical aspects of legal education aiming to be pro-people, based on the needs of the society and responsive to the aspirations of the people. The Department produces law graduates equipped with knowledge of substantive and procedural laws, capable of taking active parts in the justice delivery system. In order to cultivate professional skills and service orientation among the graduates, the Department places considerable emphasis on clinical legal education. The Department provides the students opportunities not only for professional and intellectual development; it also prepares them to study law to act as agents of social change. Graduates of this Department pursue fulfilling and successful careers in a wide range of sectors including bar, bench and academia. Under the aegis of the Faculty of Law, Department of Law offers four-year LLB (Honors) programme and one- year regular LLM programme. Alongside, it runs one-year LLM(Evening) Program. The Department also introduced Mphil and PhD programmes in 2012.


Syllabus for LLB (Honours)

The programme of study for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws with Honours (LLB Honours) extends over a period of four (4) academic years which consists of eight (8) semesters. It comprises studies on variety of areas of law and other related courses. As an integrated programme, it carries 3400 marks and 136 credit points designed as under:


First Year First Semester                                                                                      

Course Code

Course Title



LAW 1101




LAW 1102

Law of Torts and Consumer Protection



LAW 1103

Muslim Law



LAW 1104

Hindu Law and Roman Law







First Year Second Semester

Course Code

Course Title



LAW 1201

Muslim Law of Inheritance



LAW 1202

Legal History



LAW 1203

Law of Contract



LAW 1204

Media and Information Tech Law



LAW 1205V








Second Year First Semester

Course Code

Course Title



LAW 2101

Constitutional Law of Bangladesh



LAW 2102

Labour Law 



LAW 2103

Fiscal Laws of Bangladesh



LAW 2104

Public International Law







Second Year Second Semester

Course Code

Course Title



LAW 2201

Administrative Law



LAW 2202

Constitutional Law of UK, USA  and India



LAW 2203

Business Law



LAW 2204

Company Law and Securities Law



LAW 2205V








Third Year First Semester

Course Code

Course Title



LAW 3101




LAW 3102

Laws of Civil Procedure and Limitation



LAW 3103

Laws of Transfer of Property and Registration



LAW 3104

Laws relating to Civil Suits







Third Year Second Semester

Course Code

Course Title



LAW 3201

Intellectual Property Law



LAW 3202

Penal Code



LAW 3203

Equity, Law of Trust and Public Demands Recovery



LAW 3204

Human Rights Law



LAW 3205V









Fourth Year First Semester

Course Code

Course Title



LAW 4101

Law of Evidence



LAW 4102

Law of Criminal Procedure



LAW 4103

Land Laws of Bangladesh



LAW 4104

Interpretation of Statutes and General Clauses Act






Fourth Year Second Semester

Course Code

Course Title



LAW 4201

Special  Penal Laws



LAW 4202

Medical Jurisprudence



LAW 4203

Conveyancing, Drafting and Trial Advocacy Training



LAW 4204

Legal Research and Writing



LAW 4205V












The degree of Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) shall be awarded by this University in recognition of the successful completion of the M. Phil. Courses of Studies and Research as prescribed by the Academic Council. The terms and conditions regarding admission, examination, evaluation and other matters relating to the M. Phil. degree shall be prescribed by the rules & regulations enacted by the Academic Council and Syndicate.


Candidates for admission to the courses of studies leading to M. Phil. degree must have the following qualifications:

(a) Candidates must possess Master’s Degree or an equivalent degree of this University or of a recognized University in the relevant subject or in a related subject. Graduate (Honours) and Post-Graduate level candidates having minimum 50% marks in relevant and related subjects and in grading system candidates having at least CGPA 3.25 (out of 4 scale point) in both levels shall be eligible for admission.


A candidate who does not have Graduate (Honours) degree shall be eligible for admission to the M. Phil. Program provided that he/she has to his/her credit either a first division or CGPA 3.50 in the Degree Pass examination or a first class or CGPA 3.50 (Out of 4.00 scale point) in the Master’s Degree.


Candidates having MBBS degree with 55% marks or CGPA 3.25 (Out of 4.00 scale point) shall be eligible for admission to the M. Phil. Program.


Regular teachers/officers (having requisite qualification) of Jagannath University shall be eligible for admission to the M.Phil. Program.

(b) Candidates having 3rd division in either SSC/HSC/equivalent level shall not be eligible for admission to the M. Phil. Program. This condition may however, be relaxed in case of a candidate having first class both in Graduate (Honours) and Post Graduate level or CGPA 3.50 and having an outstanding contribution in the field of his/her research interest.


(a) Applicants for admission to the M.Phil. Program shall apply in the prescribed form to the Registrar through the Department concerned and the relevant Faculty. The Academic Committee of the Department shall recommend the admission and approve the proposed field of study, the title of the thesis and the name of the supervisor(s).

(b) The candidate must submit his/her research proposal recommended by the Supervisor(s) to the Chairman of the Department. On approval of the relevant Academic Committee and the Faculty, it shall be placed before the Board of Advanced Studies and the Academic Council for final approval.

(c) Application for admission to the M.Phil. program will be invited once in a year. Teachers of this university who are eligible for admission to the M.Phil. program may however submit their applications at any time of the year for consideration.

(d) Any change of the Supervisor(s) or the Title of dissertation shall have to be recommended by the Academic Committee of the concerned Department and the Faculty and approved by the Board of Advanced Studies and the Academic Council.


A candidate selected for admission to the Course of the Degree of Master of Philosophy must be registered for M.Phil. course of this University on payment of approved fees. He will get a unique identification number (ID).

(a) Fees: Fees will be fixed as may be deemed fit by the authority from time to time. But the previous fees will be in force so long the new rate of fees will be fixed up by the authority.

(b) In the second year, fees are due to be paid off within one month from the date of publication of the result of the M.Phil. course work examination.

(c) The registration of a candidate for the M. Phil. degree shall be valid for 03 (three) academic years. The registration shall automatically be cancelled if the candidate fails to submit his/her thesis within three years from the date of his/her registration. Academic Council may extend this period for one more academic year on the recommendation of the supervisor(s) and the Academic Committee of the concerned Department. In any special situations, the Academic Council may allow another maximum 4 (four) months only for submission of the thesis. A candidate, however, shall not be permitted to submit his/her thesis before two years from the date of his/her registration.


(a) Candidates admitted to the M.Phil. course shall be full time students of this University. Candidates serving in any other organizations/institutions shall be required to take leave for at least one year at the time of joining the M.Phil. course. Joining letter will not be accepted without the submission of leave document.

(b) The courses of studies shall be designed and conducted including the examinations by a ‘Faculty Committee’ consisting of Dean (as chairman) and Chairmen (as members) of the departments under the concerned faculties. Chairman of any department may nominate any teacher not below the rank of Association Professor as a member of the Faculty Committee. The syllabus shall be recommended by the concerned Executive Committee of the Faculty and the Academic Council.

(c) The duration of the M.Phil. course work shall be one academic year (July to June). Distribution of weeks of one academic year shall be as follows:

(i) Class teaching (actual class) = 

25 weeks

          (ii) Preparation time for examination =

 06 weeks

(iii) Final Examination =

 05 weeks

Total    = 36 weeks

(d) A student admitted to the M.Phil. course shall be required to complete his/her course works of 14 credits (350 marks of which 300 theoretical and 50 viva-voce by the end of the first year as a full time student. Each theoretical course shall be of 100 marks (04 credits) and viva-voce 50 marks (02 credits).

(e) There shall be at least two lecture-hour for each course in a week and ten academic task-hours in the whole year for open academic and research discussion. Therefore, in total, there shall be at least 15 (fifteen) contact hours for each theoretical credit point throughout the academic year.

(f) Students shall appear at the viva-voce examination (oral examination) at the end of 1st year (course work).

(g) A teacher/officer of this University may be allowed to pursue the M.Phil. course. In this case candidates shall be required to take leave for at least one year at the time of joining the M.Phil. course.

(h) Only a teacher of this University who has minimum 03 (three) years teaching experience at the University level may be exempted from taking the course work on recommendation of the Academic Committee of the concerned Department.


(a) An M.Phil. student is required to fill in the examination entry form and pay the university dues within the time specified by concerned authority for appearing course final examination. The Dean of the faculty shall send these examination entry forms to the Controller of Examinations. At the end of course work, the Faculty Committee shall prepare the examination schedule and the chairman of the committee shall send it to the relevant departments and the Controller of Examinations for necessary action.

(b) The Faculty Committee shall recommend an Examination Committee for each academic year/batch. The Examination Committee shall be composed of 04 (four) members (one chairman, two internal members and one external member appointed from any other Public University not below the rank of professor). In case of any vacancy, absence or inability on the part of any one of the members of the examination committee, the examination work shall not be invalidated. If any member of the examination committee remains on any leave for more than 06 (six) months, the Academic Council shall appoint another member in his/her place on recommendation of the Faculty Committee of the concerned faculty.

(c) The internal members of the relevant examination committee shall send the names of the question setters and examiners for each theoretical course to the Controller of Examinations who shall issue appointment letters subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

(d) The Controller of Examinations shall supply the total answer scripts along with the supporting papers of the examination to the chairman of the Department concerned at least 03 days before the examination.

(e) The concerned examination committee shall arrange tabulation works. The tabulation works shall not begin until marks of all courses are received.

(f) The result shall be published within two months after the end of the last examination.


(a) The examination of each course shall be of 03 (three) hours duration.

(b) The total marks of course work shall be distributed as follows:

(i) Continuous Assessment 


Mid-term/In course examination (minimum two)  

 = 20

Assignment/Case Study/Practical/Field work

 = 10

Class Attendance

 = 10

(ii) Final Examination (written)

 = 60

Total    = 100


(c) Class Attendance: The marks allocated for class attendance shall be given as following proportions:


Attendance                                                  Marks                  Example

     95% and above                                               100%                   10 out of 10

     90% to 94%                                                    90%                     9 out of 10

     85% to 89%                                                    80%                     8 out of 10

     80% to 84%                                                    70%                     7 out of 10

     75% to 79%                                                    60%                     6 out of 10

     70% to 74%                                                    50%                     5 out of 10

     65% to 69%                                                    40%                     4 out of 10

     60% to 64%                                                    30%                     3 out of 10

     Less than 60%                                                 00%                     0 out of 10.

(d) There shall be two question setters and examiners (1st and 2nd) for each course. The arithmetic mean of the marks given by two examiners shall be taken as final. If the marks given by 1st and 2nd examiners differ by 20% or more, the examination committee shall recommend a 3rd examiner to examine the script(s). Re-examination of any script shall not be allowed.

(e) Total marks of the courses and oral (viva-voce) examination shall be converted into LG (Letter Grade) and GP (Grade Point) as follows:


      Numerical Grade

Letter Grade

Grade Point

80% and above



75% to less than 80%



70% to less than 75%



65% to less than 70%



60% to less than 65%



55% to less than 60%



50% to less than 55%



45% to less than 50%



40% to less than 45%



Less than 40%



(f) Each student requires to earn minimum GPA 2.75 to complete the M.Phil. course work. Students earning less than GPA 2.75 are required to earn minimum GPA 2.75 appearing at the course final examination with the next batch.
(g) For appearing at the examination with the next batch, a student shall have to pay two times of the normal examination fee
(h) If a student fails to earn required GPA i.e. total credit points within his/her registration period, he/she will be dropped out from the M.Phil. Program and will no more be allowed to continue his/her research work with other M.Phil. Students.
A candidate registered for M.Phil. Degree may be transferred to the Ph.D. program with retrospective registration if he/she fulfills the following conditions:-
(a) He/She has to successfully complete the M.Phil. course work and earn minimumGPA 3.50.
(b) He/She has minimum 01 (one) research publication at his/her own credit in recognised Journal.
(c) He/She must give one transfer seminar in the field of his/her research interest leading to Ph.D. degree provided that the candidate has requisite academic qualification for admission to Ph.D. Degree program
(d) The candidate shall have to submit a synopsis of the Ph.D. program with the recommendation of the supervisor(s).
(e) The recommendation for transfer from M.Phil. to Ph.D. Program shall be sent by the Academic Committee of the concerned Department (along with relevant documents) through the Faculty to the Board of Advanced Studies and the Academic Council for the final approval.
(a) An M.Phil. student shall be required to perform his/her research work under the guidance of a supervisor(s) who shall be a teacher of a relevant Department of this University not below the rank of Assistant Professor having Ph.D. degree in the relevant field.
(b) No near relation, specified by the examination rule of this University shall be supervised or examined.
(c) The number of the research students of M.Phil. and Ph.D. program for an Associate Professor and Professor shall not exceed 06 (six) and 08 (eight) respectively at a time. An Assistant Professor shall not take more than 04 (four) M.Phil. research students at a time.
(d) An M.Phil. candidate shall be required to give at least one seminar open to all during the period of his/her research study to be designed and organized by the relevant Department. Seminar shall be given minimum three months before the submission of the thesis.
(a) A candidate for the M.Phil Degree shall be required to submit a dissertation on his/her research work in accordance with the period allowed in clause 4(d) of the Rules & Regulations to the Controller of Examinations through his/her supervisor(s) and the relevant Department.
(b) The dissertation submitted for the M.Phil. degree shall be written in Bangla/English. In the case of Arabic and Islamic Studies if the thesis is written in Arabic, a Bangla or English version must be added.
(c) The dissertation shall be an original piece of investigation and a distinct contribution to the advancement of existing knowledge.
(d) Five copies of the dissertations shall have to be submitted to the Controller of Examinations on or before the date of the expiry of registration. Each dissertation must be type written/printed and bound.
(a) For each candidate, the Academic Council, on the recommendation of the concerned Academic Committee and Executive Committee of the Faculty, shall appoint an Examination Committee for every candidate of three members one of whom shall be the supervisor(s) of the student. One of the members of the examination committee other than the supervisor(s) shall be the Chairman of the examination committee. At least one of the members of the examination committee shall be from outside this university. In the case of joint supervision, the supervisor of the candidate shall be the member of the committee.
(b) Each dissertation shall be examined by all three members of the examination committee. The examiners shall send their reports in sealed cover to the Controller of Examinations who will send it to the Chairman of the Examination Committee with the permission of the Vice-Chancellor.
(c) On receipt of the unanimous opinion that the thesis is of standard that justifies an oral examination, the Chairman of the Examination Committee in consultation with the Controller of Examinations shall arrange an oral Examination for the candidate to defend his/her thesis. The Chairman of the Examination Committee shall preside over the oral Examination.
(d) If the opinion of the examiners is not in favour of awarding the degree, the Examination Committee on the basis of the reports of examiners shall decide either to reject the dissertation or may recommend the Vice Chancellor to allow the student to resubmit his/her thesis with necessary changes and modifications as suggested by the examiners within 06 (six) months from the date of notification by the Controller of Examinations. In such case further registration will not be necessary. The examination committee shall report their decision to the Controller of Examinations.
(e) In case a candidate is unable to satisfy the viva voce examination even though the thesis is adjudged adequate, the Examination Committee may recommend to the Academic Council that the candidate may be permitted to appear at another oral examination after a lapse of 06 (six) month from the first oral examination. Provided that no candidate shall be allowed to appear at the oral examination of the same thesis more than twice.
(a) The Vice Chancellor shall place the reports of the examiners for consideration of the Academic Council which shall recommend to the syndicate for the award of the Degree
(b) The Controller of Examinations shall notify the results in accordance with the decision of the Syndicate.
13. ADDITION, Alteration, Change or Modification in the rules and regulations
In order to make any addition, alteration, change or modification in the rules and regulations (if required), it must be placed to the ‘Departmental Academic Committee’, ‘Executive Committee’ of the concerned Faculty and the ‘Academic Council’ for approval. If any difficulty arises with respect to any provision of this rules & regulations, the interpretation/decision given by the Vice-Chancellor shall be final.




The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) shall be awarded by the University in recognition of the successful completion of the Ph.D. program as prescribed by the Academic Council. The terms and conditions regarding admission, evaluation and other matters related to the Ph.D. degree shall be prescribed by the Rules & Regulations enacted by the Academic Council and Syndicate.


   A Candidate for admission to Ph.D. program shall satisfy the following conditions:

(i)   Candidates must possess Master’s Degree or an equivalent degree of this University or of a recognized University in the relevant subject or in a related subject, and

(ii)  Graduate (Honours) and Post-Graduate level candidates having minimum 50% marks in any one and in another level minimum 55% for Science and 50% for Arts & Social Science in numerical  system (traditional) and in grading system candidates having at least CGPA 3.25 (out of 4 scale point) in both levels, and

(iii) Candidate having minimum 03 (three) years teaching/research experience in any public University/Govt. Research Institute or 05 (five) years teaching experience in Graduate (Honours) and Post Graduate level in any Private University/College/ Institute or Research experience in any recognized research organization, and

(iv) Candidate having minimum 02 (two) publications in the field of their research interest in recognized academic journals shall be eligible for admission.


Candidates having M.Phil./equivalent degree of this University or a recognized University shall be eligible for admission to the Ph.D. program.


Teachers of this University who have not required marks/grade point (mentioned earlier) shall be eligible to apply for admission to the Ph.D. Program, provided that they have minimum 02 (two) years teaching and research experience in any Public University/Govt. College/Govt. Research Institute or 05 (five) years teaching experience in Bachelor with Graduate (Honours) and Post Graduate level in any private University/College/Institute or research experience in any recognized research organization and have also minimum 02 (two) publications in the field of their research interest in recognized academic journals.

(v) Candidates having 3rd class/division in any exam/degree shall not be eligible for admission for Ph.D. Program.


(a) Applicants for admission to the Ph.D. Program shall apply in the prescribed form to the Registrar through the Department concerned and the relevant Faculty. The Academic Committee of the Department shall recommend the admission and approve the proposed field of study, the title of the thesis and the name of the supervisor(s).

(b) The candidate must submit his/her research proposal recommended by the Supervisor(s) to the Chairman of the Department. On approval of the relevant Academic Committee and the Faculty, it shall be placed before the Board of Advanced Studies and the Academic Council for final approval.

(c) Application for admission to the Ph.D. program will be invited once in a year. Teachers/ Officers of this university who are eligible for admission to the Ph.D. program may, however, submit their applications at any time of the year for consideration.

(d) Any change of the Supervisor(s) or the Title of dissertation shall have to be recommended by the Academic Committee of the concerned Department and Executive Committee of the Faculty and approved by the Board of Advanced Studies and the Academic Council.

(e) Foreigners may submit their applications (along with research proposal, consent of the Supervisor(s) and other necessary documents) to the Registrar at any time of the year for consideration. The Registrar will send it to the relevant Department. On approval of the relevant Academic Committee and Executive Committee of the Faculty, it shall be placed before the Board of Advanced Studies and the Academic Council for final approval.


A candidate selected for admission to the Program of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy must be registered for Ph.D. Program of this university on payment of approved fees. He will get a unique identification number (ID).

(a) Fees:  Fees will be fixed as may be deemed fit by the authority from time to time. The previous fees will be in force so long the new rate of fees will be fixed up by the authority.

(b) The registration of a candidate for Ph.D. degree shall be valid for 05 (five) academic years. The registration shall automatically be cancelled if the candidate fails to submit his/her thesis within 05 (five) years from the date of his/her registration. The Academic Council may extend this period for one more academic year on the recommendation of the supervisor(s) and the Academic Committee of the concerned Department and the Faculty. In any special situations, the Academic Council may allow another maximum 6 (six) months only for submission of the thesis.  A Candidate, however, shall not be permitted to submit his/her thesis before three years from the date of his/her registration.

(c) A Ph.D. candidate serving in any organization including the University shall be required to take permission from the concerned authority at the time of joining the Ph.D. program.

(d) An M.Phil. student of this University who has successfully completed the first year courses of studies for M.Phil program shall be eligible for transfer to the Ph.D. Program in accordance with the clause 8(a-e) of M.Phil rules & regulation of this University. A candidate who will be transferred from M.Phil to Ph.D. program shall be registered as a Ph.D. student on payment of prescribed fees and dues.


(a) A Ph.D. Candidate shall be required to perform his/her research work under the guidance of a supervisor(s) who shall be a teacher of this University not below the rank of Associate Professor or an expert of a reputed Research Institution. The supervisor(s) shall possess Ph.D. or equivalent degree in the concerned subject and have publications in the national and international Journals. This condition, however, shall not be applicable if the supervisor is a Professor of the University.

(b) A Ph.D. candidate shall be required to give at least two seminar open to all during the period of his/her research study to be designed an organized by the relevant Department. One seminar will be offered at the time of data collection/actual research and another shall be offered before 4 (four) months of submitting the thesis.

(c) The number of the research students of M.Phil and Ph.D. Program for an Associate Professor and Professor shall not exceed 06 (six) and 08 (eight) respectively at a time. After submission of the thesis by one candidate, one seat will be vacant for the supervision.

(d) No near relation, specified by the examination rule of this University shall be supervised or examined.


On completion of the research work the candidate shall submit of his/her thesis and shall comply with the following conditions:

(a) The thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. shall be written in Bangla/English. In the case of Arabic and Islamic Studies if the thesis is written in Arabic, a Bangla or English version must be added.

(b) The thesis shall be a piece of original research work. It should make a distinct contribution to the advancement of existing knowledge either by the discovery of new facts or fresh interpretation of known facts and theories.

(c) The thesis shall conform with standard research methodology usually followed in the discipline of research and satisfy the norms of literary presentation and be suitable for publication in recognized journals or in the form of book.

(d) A candidate may incorporate in his/her thesis contents of any work which he/she may have published on the subject, but he/she shall not submit his/her thesis, any work which has been approved any other University for any degree/prize etc.

(e) Five copies of the thesis shall have to be submitted to the Controller of Examinations on or before the date of the expiry of the registration. Each thesis must be type written/printed and bound.


(a) For each candidate, the Academic Council on recommendation of the concerned Academic Committee and Executive Committee of the Faculty, shall appoint an Examination Committee of three members, one of whom shall be the supervisor(s) of the student, one shall be form outside the country and one from within the country but outside this University. In case of self supervision the academic committee will propose another names of examiners. One of the members of the Examination Committee other than the supervisor shall be the Chairman of the Examination Committee. All three members of Examination Committee shall examine the thesis. The thesis examiners shall send their reports in sealed cover to the Controller of Examinations who will send it to the Chairman of the Examination Committee. The unanimity of the members shall be bindings for awarding the degree of Ph.D.

(b) The Examiners may recommend that the thesis be accepted for the award of the Ph.D. degree or the thesis be rejected or that the thesis be allowed to be resubmitted.

(c) On receipt of the unanimous opinions that the thesis is of standard that justifies an oral examination, the Chairman of the Examination Committee in consultation with Controller of Examinations shall arrange an Oral Examination for the candidate to defend his/her thesis. The Viva Voce Examination may be conducted if two out of three members of the Committee are present. The Chairman of the Examination Committee shall preside over the oral Examination.

(d) If the opinion of the examiners is not in favour of awarding the degree, the Examination Committee on the basis of the reports of examiners shall decide either to reject the dissertation or may recommend the Vice Chancellor to allow the student to resubmit his/her thesis with necessary changes and modifications as suggested by the examiners within 06 (six) months from the date of notification by the Controller of Examinations. In such case further registration will not be necessary. The examination committee shall report their decision to the Controller of Examinations.

(e) In case a candidate is unable to do well in the viva voce examination even though the thesis is adjudge adequate, the Examination Committee may recommend to the Academic Council that the candidate may be permitted to appear at another oral examination after a lapse of 06 (six) months from the first oral examination. No candidate shall be allowed to appear at the oral examination of the same thesis more than twice.


 (a) The Vice Chancellor shall place the reports of the examiners for consideration of the Academic Council which shall recommend to the Syndicate for the award of the Ph.D. Degree.

(b) The Controller of Examinations shall notify the results in accordance with the decision of the Syndicate.

9. ADDITION, Alteration, Change or Modification in the rules and regulations

 In order to make any addition, alteration, change or modification in the rules and regulations (if required), it must be placed to the ‘Departmental Academic Committee’, ‘Executive Committee’ of the concerned Faculty and the Academic Council for approval. If any difficulty arises with respect to any provision of this rules & regulations, the interpretation/decision given by the Vice-Chancellor shall be final.



Research Facilities

Faculty Research Areas


Software-Defined Network-Based Proactive Routing Strategy in Smart Power Grids Using Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Md. Aminul Islam

Software-Defined Network-Based Proactive Routing Strategy in Smart Power Grids Using Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Md. Aminul Islam

Conference Paper

Conference Proceeding


Book Chapter


Academic Projects

Funded Projects










Contact Information


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor
