Message from the Chairman
Welcome to the Department of Zoology
Zoology is the branch of biology that studies animals, hence, zoologists study animals and their equation with the environment. They study their physical characteristics, diets, and behaviors. They study various animals, both in their natural habitats and in captivity in zoos and aquariums. They may specialize in studying a particular animal or animal group. Efforts of a zoologist are also critical in protecting endangered species and other wildlife from habitat loss, disease, invasive species, and climate change.
Zoology is one of the most popular branches in Science that involves the study of animals and their biological processes. In our university, Zoology courses are offered at the graduate and postgraduate levels full-time. Students in this discipline are basically taught regarding animal classification, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, evolution, ecology, behavior, and conservation etc. We have three specialized branches in M.Sc. level in our department such as, Entomology, Fisheries and Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation. I started the branch of Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation in 2009 in the department. Besides, we have a plan to open the branch of Genetics and Parasitology in near future.
Career options after pursuing a BSc (honors), MSc, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Zoology are varied. Students find opportunities in government departments, environmental agencies, universities, colleges, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, environmental/ecological fields as well as in Banking sectors.
Zoological Knowledge and theories are applicable to maintain health and to control the epidemic diseases. Protozoan and helminthes are responsible for causing many diseases. In addition, some animals act as vectors. The transference of disease producing parasites or their infective stages are performed by Anopheles (Malaria), sand-fly (kala-azar), Tse-tse (sleeping sickness), house-fly (typhoid).The control and cure of these diseases are studied by economic zoologists.
Agriculture is a part of applied Zoology. Various types of living organisms are closely associated in a particular environment. Earthworms being lower soil upwards so that air and water can enter properly. Similarly insects pollinate the flowers, bacteria decompose the dead animals and plants present in the soil which is absorbed by the plants. All these are important facts for agricultural science.
Insects destroy agricultural crops, domesticated animals and wood. The amount of harm caused by the insects is beyond our estimate. A variety of rodents eat considerable amount of grains and cereals both in the field and storage areas. These problems have been solved to great extent from the knowledge and application of zoological principles.
Various products of animals such as coral, pearl, honey, wax, silk, lac, shell of turtle, bones, feather, tusk, leather and fur are of high demand. These products can be increased from our knowledge of production of these items.
One of the most important uses of animals is as food. Almost in every phylum there are few species which form the food of man like lobsters, crabs, fishes, turtles, frogs, birds and mammals. We use various types of birds (chicken, fowl, duck, etc.) and mammals (goat, sheep, cow, buffalo, camel etc.) for our diet. The improvement of these animals is one of the major tasks of zoologists.
Application of zoological science in the field of fishers is well known. It is the study of economic zoology for the higher production of food crops and fisheries to meet the challenge of food shortage during recent times.

About Department of Zoology
Science subjects were used to be taught at Jagannath University since 1910. Zoology as an independent subject started its journey in 1963, headed by Professor Mohibullah. Past records reveal that Zoology was taught as a part of Biology since then.
Zoology as a Full-fledged Department started its journey from 1963. Dr. D. S. Islam was the Chairman of Zoology in 1963 to 1968. After him, the renowned scholar and author Professor Amorendra Narayan Chowdhury was the Chairman and continued up to 1970. After his departure, Professor Dr. Q. A.T.M. Habibur Rahman was appointed as Chairman who successfully headed the Department until he took over the office of the Principal of Jagannath College in 1989. BSc (Honors) and Master Courses in Zoology were introduced in 1972 and 1980 session, respectively. In the growing demand of higher education, the college authority decided to offer educational facilities to the elderly and job holders at night shift and accordingly opened preliminary course in 1984. Initially, the College was affiliated with Calcutta University and later with Dhaka University when it came into existence in 1921 and subsequently under National University of Bangladesh until it became a full-fledged University in 2005.
Among the extra-curricular activities the most important achievement of the department is the publication of an international standard journal in 1986 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Meher-E-Khoda in the name of ‘Journal of Zoology’ which as acclaimed by many scholars. The department is owed to these distinguished scholars Prof. Dr. Meher-E- Khoda, Prof. Dr. Shahadat Ali, Prof. B. N. Biswas, Prof. Dr. Ayesha Khatun, Prof. Tahmina Begum, Prof. Anwar Malik, Prof. Dr. Azizun Nahar, Prof. Fazlul Haq Mollah, Prof. Gul Rukh Haq, Prof. Begum Nilufar.
At present, there are 28 faculty members working in the department. Three branches of specializations namely ‘Entomology’, ‘Fisheries’ and ‘Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation’ are offered for the M. Sc., M. Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees. Approximately, there are 400 students taking their degrees in this department.

Research Facilities
Faculty Research Areas
Software-Defined Network-Based Proactive Routing Strategy in Smart Power Grids Using Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Md. Aminul Islam
Software-Defined Network-Based Proactive Routing Strategy in Smart Power Grids Using Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Md. Aminul Islam
Conference Paper
Conference Proceeding
Book Chapter
Academic Projects
Funded Projects
Photo Gallery


Contact Information

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor