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Call for Article:
Volume-10 (No 1 & 2 ) 2024
Please send a Soft copy through email
Cell: +8801739102760
The Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences (JnUJLES) is an official journal of the Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences of Jagannath University. The aim of the journal is to publish articles based on original empirical and innovative research work in different areas of science. The final goals of the journal are to develop, promote and explore the scientific invention/discovery. It invites authors from all over the world to be submit their manuscripts. It is committed to maintain international standard, quality and provisions. Three types of article could be submitted:
a) Full article
b) Review article
c) Short communication
Manuscript Preparation for Full Article
The manuscript must be written in English and typed by Times New Roman 12-points with double space on a good quality and A4 size bond paper and sufficient margins (left and top 3.8cm, right and bottom 2.5cm). All the headings and subheadings will remain bold 14-points and 12-points, respectively. It should be submitted to Chief Editor at the Faculty address. The editorial board deserve final right to accept or reject any paper submitted followed by reviewing process. The manuscript of a full paper should be limited within ten typed pages including tables, figures, graphs, references etc. At least 2 sets of hard copies (including one original) along with a soft copy through email must be sent. The manuscript should contain conventionally the following sub-titles in sequence: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), and References. In case of ‘Short Communication’ no subtitles are necessary.
1. Title: The title of the article should be brief, specific and representative with full capital letter, bold and 14-points. The manuscript will have a separate title page giving the name of the article, author(s) name, affiliations and a running head. The second page should carry again the title of the article with abstract to be followed by introduction and others according to sequence but without author’s name.
2. Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 200 words which includes only the gist of the paper giving very condensed details.
3. Key words: It should not exceed 7 words typed as italic.
4. Introduction: It should be concise with the hypothesis and design, and also precise relevant to the study.
5. Materials and Methods: This section will describe the special/standard methods those should be cited only as references and should not be described except if any modification has been made or new set up has been described, which should be stated.
6. Results and Discussion: This section will include results obtained, figures, tables/graphs and photograph. Where table is given no graph is needed and vice-versa. It then follows a conventional discussion.
7. Tables, Graphs and Figures: The paper should contain minimum number of tables, graphs and figures. The figures and graphs should be properly drawn with bold, soil lines so that these could be reduced up to half or less of the original. The photographs should be submitted on glossy papers.
8. Conclusion: This section will include the whole research story from the starting to the end in summarized form.
9. Acknowledgement: The Acknowledgements of the person, funding, grants, institute etc should be cited in brief.
10. Reference: In the text, references should be cited within first brackets quoting author’s surname and the year of publication in the appropriate place e.g. (Bhuiyan, 1964), (Khaleque et al., 1970). References should be arranged alphabetically according to author’s surname at the end of the paper. Name of journal and the name of publisher of book should be in italic giving edition, year of publication. Examples are given below:
Islam M. S., Sattar M. R., and Rahman M. M. (2001). Psychophysical Health in Relation with the Environmental Noises. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 2(1): 250-260.
Sultan M. S. 1991. Insect Pests of Tropical Food legumes. John Willey and Sons. New York, 485.
For Review Article
Submission of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 8-10 printed pages (double space).
For Short Communications
A short communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full length papers. It is 2 to 4 printed pages in length.
The corresponding author of each paper is entitled to get 5 off-prints free of cost.
Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis) that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher.
Dean, Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences
Chief Editor
Jagannath University Journal of Life & Earth Science
Jagannath University