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Submission Guidelines/ Authors Guidelines
Jagannath University Journal of Science
Instructions for Authors
Manuscripts for submission should be addressed to:
Editorial Office
Chief Editor:
Jagannath University Journal of Science
Dean Faculty of Science
Jagannath University
Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh
The Jagannath University Journal of Science (Jagannath Univ. J. Sci.) is an official journal of the faculty of Sciences, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, The aim of the journal is to publish scientific articles of original and innovative research work in different areas of science twice in a year in January & July. It invites scientific articles of international standard and quality from all over the world.
Categories of Papers: The journal includes three types of articles (e.g. Regular Papers, Short Communications and Review Articles).
Regular Papers: Regular Papers should describe valuable new information and should be submitted in their final complete form and within maximum of 12 printed pages.
Short Communications: Short Communications should describe an important finding of particular interest, in order to justify the publication of the paper as a preliminary report. As a rule, communications should not exceed four printed pages.
Review Articles: A Review should be on a topic of any subject within the scope of the journal.
Preparation of Manuscript:
The manuscript must be written in English and typed in Times New Roman at 12 –point font size with double space on good quality A4 size paper and sufficient margins (left and top 3.8 cm, right and bottom 2.54 cm). All the headings and subheadings will be in 14-point and 12-point bold face, respectively.
Regular Papers must be divided into sections in the following order: (1) Abstract: Maximum 200 words, (2) Key words: Write up to five key words following the abstract, (3) Introduction, (4) Materials and Methods, (5) Results, (6) Discussion: Alternatively, a combined Results and Discussion section may be prepared, (7) References, (8) Tables, (9) Figure legends, and (10) Figures. The regular paper preferably will be limited within twelve (12) typed pages including tables, figures, graphs, photos, references etc.
Short communications will not carry any sub-title. It should not be divided into sections. The manuscript, including tables, figure legends, and figures, in that order, should not exceed 6 pages. Review Articles will contain a maximum of 15 pages with sufficient number of citations.
The first page of the manuscript will include the Title, Authors’ name and affiliations, and a shortly written running head. The second page will include the Title (without authors’ name, affiliations), Abstract, Key words followed by Introduction and other sections accordingly. All pages must be numbered at the center of the bottom margin, starting with the title page.
Title: The title of the paper should be brief, specific and representative of the study. It will be in Capital letter with 16-point and bold face.
Abstract: The abstract will include the gist of the paper with condensed details of the study.
Key words: A maximum of five key words typed in italic may be included.
Introduction: It will be concise with the hypothesis and design and precise description relevant to the study.
Materials and Methods: It will include the materials (equipment, media, reagents etc), samples, and the methodology. Methodology should be clearly described in case of new/modified method, and for standard method, it should be cited as reference. Mentioning of the work place or laboratory with duration of the study will be included in this section.
Results: This section will include the findings of the study with figures/tables /graphs/photographs as necessary. Unnecessary repetition (by duplicating the results in figures and tables or data in the text and a table) should be avoided.
Discussion: The results of the study will be interpreted with sufficient arguments. Citation of necessary references of relevant study should be included to prove the uniqueness of the study. Results and Discussion may be combined in one section in case of necessity.
Tables, Graphs and Figures: The manuscript should have minimum number of Tables, Graphs and Figures. The graphs and figures should be drawn and properly labeled. Equations should be centered on the page, and be numbered sequentially with the numbers appearing in parentheses on the right margin. Equations are referred to in the text as equation (1). Upload each figure as a separate file in either tiff or jpg format, with the lead author's name, the figure number and the top of the figure indicated. Compound figures e.g. 1a, b, c should be uploaded as one figure. Lettering must be of a reasonable size that would still be clearly legible upon reduction, and consistent within each figure and set of figures. All illustrations must be supplied at the correct resolution: Black and white and colour photos - 300 dpi. Graphs, drawings, etc - 800 dpi preferred; 600 dpi minimum Combinations of photos and drawings (black and white and colour) - 500 dpi. All measurements must be given in SI (metric units).
Conclusion: Conclusion will precisely include the summary of the whole research work.
Acknowledgement: The acknowledgements of the person, organization, funding, grants should be cited (if there is any).
Ethical Issue: Bioassay data for plant extracts or isolated compounds must be accompanied by data for positive and negative controls. In manuscripts describing research on humans, it should be stated whether the study complied with the code of ethics of the World Medical Association (Helsinki Declaration of 1964, as revised in 2002). Reports of research on animals should state whether the protocol was approved by the appropriate committee of the institute where the research was carried out in line with the guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.
References should be quoted in the text as name and year, and listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. All references must be complete and accurate. Jagannath Univ. J. Sci. use Index Medicus Style abbreviations for journals cited. For correct abbreviations visit For articles in journals or other serial publications, the reference should give in order: Author's name, year of publication, full title, full name of journal or series, volume, inclusive pages. For books or other unnumbered publications, it should give: Author's name, year of publication, full title (chapter), publisher, place of publication, number of pages. If necessary, cite unpublished or personal work in the text but do not include it in the reference list. Examples of References Style:
Wright CW, Phillipson JD. 1990. Natural products and the development of selective antiprotozoal drugs. Phytother Res 4: 127-139.
Wagner H, Bladt S. 1996. Plant Drug Analysis: A Thin Layer Chromatography Atlas (2nd edn). Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.
Chapters in Books:
Kips RH. 1985. Environmental aspects. In Pesticide Application: Principles and Practice, Haskel PT (ed). Oxford University Press: Oxford; 1-34.
Palin JM. 2005. Stable isotope studies of regional metamorphism in the Wepawaug Schist, Connecticut: Ph.D. thesis, Yale University, New Haven, p-170.
Submission of Manuscripts:
At least three sets of hard copies (including one original) along with soft one (CD) must be submitted for all categories of manuscripts.
All authors of a manuscript must have agreed to its submission and are responsible for its content. They must also have agreed that the corresponding author has the authority to act on their behalf in all matters pertaining to the publication
Submission declaration and verification: Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright-holder.
Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned to the authors for revision.
The corresponding author of each paper is entitled to get 10 copies of the article as free of charge. For extra original reprints up to 50 copies can be get by a charge of taka 10 per page.