Academic Rules & Regulations

Academic Rules & Regulations



Rules and Regulations for Bachelor’s /Master’s/M.Phil Degree এর কতিপয় ধারা সংশোধন বিষয়ে সংশিষ্ট কমিটির সুপারিশসমূহ (click the link)



Rules and Regulations for Bachelor’s Degree (revised)

With effect from the session 2012-13


As passed by the 40th meeting of the Academic Council (held on 31 May 2017)
and approved by the 74th meeting of the Syndicate (held on 09 July 2017)



This rule titled ‘Rules and Regulations for Bachelor Degree’ includes the academic rules and regulations for four-year ‘Bachelor Degree Programme’ divided into eight (8) Semesters in Jagannath University. The Bachelor Degree programme is under Semester system and would be guided and assessed by the credit point system. It is applicable for the Departments under different faculties as may be approved and/or opened by the University. Each academic Department of the University shall have autonomy to develop guidelines and conduct all types of academic activities within the Department either guided by or not in contradiction with this rule. Unless otherwise described, in this rule, a Semester means academic curriculum and activities conducted for a period of 6 (six) months named as 1st Semester and 2nd Semester in each academic year.



Students shall be admitted into the 1st year 1st Semester of the Bachelor Programme as per University rules.


a) Eligibility

Students passed the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations or recognized equivalent examinations in Bangladesh or abroad may be admitted to the Bachelor degree programme in any subject in this University on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the University Admission Committee constituted by the Academic Council of Jagannath University.


b) Admission Cancellation

(i) If a student remains totally absent without any permission from all classes for 15 (fifteen) consecutive working days after the start of 1st year 1st Semester classes, her/his admission would be cancelled on the recommendation of the Chairman of the concerned Department.


(ii) A student shall never take admission simultaneously in more than one subject of this University or any other university/institution with an exception of Certificate/Diploma course. If this provision is violated, studentship, examination, and examination results of the student shall immediately be cancelled.

c) Re-admission

(i) A student failing to appear in any Semester-final examination (not a single course), unless otherwise the clause 2.b (i) is applicable, may be allowed for re-admission with the same Semester of the next available batch. Readmitted students, however, shall always be assigned by the original student ID.

(ii) If a student fails to appear at any Semester-final examination due to shortage of required percentage of attendance, or failure to pay the dues or expulsion from the University or any other reason, as the case may be, s/he shall have to get herself/himself re-admitted to the same Semester of the next available batch.

(iii) If a student fails to earn the requisite CGPA for promotion (according to clause 14) from one Year to the next he/she may seek re-admission with the 1st Semester of the same year of the next available batch; however, if a student gets satisfied (as per the student) GPA in any odd Semester (First Year 1st Semester, 2nd Year 1st Semester, 3rd Year 1st Semester and 4th Year 1st Semester) but failed to get required CGPA in the even Semester (1st Year 2nd Semester, 2nd Year 2nd Semester, 3rd Year 2nd Semester and 4th Year 2nd Semester) he/she may seek re-admission with the 2nd Semester of the same year of the next available batch. 

(iv) If the final examination entry form fill-up of any odd semester (2nd Year 1st Semester, 3rd Year 1st Semester and 4th Year 1st Semester) completes before the publication of the result of immediate past even Semester (1st Year 2nd Semester, 2nd Year 2nd Semester and 3rd Year 2nd Semester) students may be allowed to sit in the odd Semester Final examination with a written pledge that if fails to get required CGPA in the immediate past even semester (when result published) he/she will have to get re-admission in odd/even semester (as applicable/appropriate) of the previous year with the immediate next batch. If the next batch already completed the odd/even semester the student shall get re-admission with the next available batch; in such cases his/her registration may be extended by one academic year (seven years to complete Bachelor programme).

(v) Students studying in the 2nd Year 1st Semester or 3rd Year 1st Semester or 4th Year 1st Semester found obtain less than required CGPA for promotion (2.0 in the 1st Year 2nd Semester and 2.25 in the 2nd Year 2nd Semester 3rd Year 2nd Semester and 4th Year 2nd Semester) in the immediate past even Semester when result published shall have to get readmission with the next available batch either in 1st or 2nd Semester (whichever applicable/appropriate). Such students, if appeared in the improvement examinations of immediate past odd Semester and found secure required CGPA for promotion after adding the improvement result (when published), may be allowed get re-admission in the same odd Semester of the next available batch.   

(vi) On re-admission, grades earned earlier by a student in a Semester shall be cancelled and the student shall have to retake all the course-works (such as in-course/practical/quiz tests, internship programme, project, field work viva-voce and final examinations) of that Semester. If a student gets ‘F’ grade in any practical course due to absence/participation and improves the ‘F’ grade as per rule he/she can have the Continuous Assessment marks (if any) along with Semester Final marks.

(vii) Percentage of class attendance of Re-admitted students shall be counted from the date of her/his re-admission. If the classes of the re-admission batch completed, the student shall receive either minimum attendance number (3) or previous year’s attendance number, whichever higher. Mid-Semester examination, if completed before her/his re-admission, the Chairman of the Department shall arrange make-up Mid-Semester examination. 

(viii) A student has to complete the Bachelor programme within a maximum of six academic years of his/her admission session, therefore, shall not get chance for re-admission more than twice during the entire programme unless any other clause allowed for an extension of his/her registration.

(ix) For re-admission, a student shall have to apply within 15 (fifteen) working days after announcement of the result of the concerned Semester.  read more