Office of External Affairs

Message from the Director

Welcome to the Office of External Affairs!

At the heart of our institution lies a commitment to global engagement, cultural exchange, and academic excellence. The Office of External Affairs serves as the cornerstone of this commitment, facilitating opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to connect with the world and enrich their academic and professional journeys.

Our university stands as a beacon of knowledge and diversity, drawing individuals from across the globe to collaborate, learn, and innovate. Whether you are a prospective international student seeking an international education experience, a faculty member pursuing research collaboration, or a staff member looking to broaden your horizons, our office is here to support you every step of the way.

The OEA acts as a bridge between international and local stakeholders. Once you apply through the OEA portal, we follow up your application with the government ministries concerned and liaise with relevant offices of the university for your various needs related to your academic degree and student support services. The OEA also facilitates internship, apprenticeship, research assistantship and study abroad programs for both inbound and outbound students and faculty members.

Through our various programs, partnerships, and initiatives, we strive to foster a vibrant multicultural environment where ideas are exchanged freely, perspectives are broadened, and friendships are formed across borders. Our aim is not only to equip our students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an interconnected world but also to instill in them a deep appreciation for diversity and a sense of global citizenship.

As the Director of the Office of External Affairs, I am proud to lead a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about promoting internationalization and creating meaningful opportunities for our university community. Together, we are committed to enhancing the global visibility and impact of Jagannath University while nurturing cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.

I encourage you to contact us with any questions you might have regarding our services and activities.

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Md. Abdul Malak, PhD

Director, Office of External Affairs

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About OEA

The Office of External Affairs was established in May 2024 at Jagannath University. The Office of External Affairs (OEA) provides advisory services and supportive programming to the international community at the Jagannath University.

The OEA is currently led by Md. Abdul Malak, PhD, and its office is situated in the new academic building. The office is connected and supported by the Registrar office. The designated officer from both OEA and the Registrar office oversee international admission, review international collaboration such as memorandums of understanding and grant applications, host visiting scholars and researchers, and respond to questions about equivalency from our outbound students.


To foster a globally inclusive academic community where cultural exchange, international collaboration, and diversity are celebrated, enriching the educational experience and preparing students to thrive in an interconnected world.


  • To transform OEA into a one-stop information hub and support center for both inner and outward mobility.
  • The Office of External Affairs plans to sign more Memorandums of Understanding with other organizations.
  • The OEA also hopes to see a rise in the number of foreign students and researchers from other nations attending JnU.








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