Award of Dr. Md. Abul Hossen, MSW (Carleton, Canada), Ph.D. (Laurier, Canada).
Academic Research, Awards & Scholarships
২০২০-২০২২, জাতির জনক বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান হত্যাকাণ্ড পরবর্তী সশস্ত্র প্রতিবাদকারী যোদ্ধাগণের বর্তমান অবস্থা ১০,০০০০০
- 2015, Breaking the shield and bridging the gap: health needs and health care utilization of adolescent girls. Funded by Jagannath University, Dhaka.
- Principal Investigator- Older Women (User) Perspective toward Service Delivery System of Government Hospital: A Study on Some Upazila Health Complex of Bangladesh. Funded by Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
- Principal Investigation- Where Do they Go, Whom do they Consult and Why? Health Seeking Behaviours of Pregnant women in rural Sylhet-Funded by UGC. January 2012 to February 2013.
- Co-Investigator- Limiting Long-Term illness and family caring of the older people: A qualitative study in Sylhet- Funded by UGC. February 2010 to February 2012.
Academic Awards
Year Source Amount
2010 International Development Research Center, Canada $20,000
2010 WLUGSA Assistance for Students Attending Conference $350
2010 Graduate Student travel Award for Conference Presentation $300
2009 Graduate Student travel Award for Conference Presentation $608
2008 Graduate Student travel Award for Conference Presentation $500
2007 Graduate Student travel Award for Conference Presentation $300
2006 Graduate Student travel Award for Conference Presentation $350
2009-2010 Faculty of Social Work Excellence in Social Work Research Award $800
2009-2010 Faculty of Social Work Academic Development Fund $600
2010 Shankar, Yelaja Memorial Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $550
2009 Shankar, Yelaja Memorial Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $5502009 Wilfrid Laurier University, Graduate Scholarship $10,000
2008 Graduate Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $1500
2008 Shankar, Yelaja Memorial Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $600
2008 Ontarrio Graduate Scholarship, Canada $12,000
2007 Graduate Incentive Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $10002007 Shankar, Yelaja Memorial Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $600
2006 Shankar, Yelaja Memorial Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $600
2006 Graduate Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $3000
2005 Entry Level Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $3000
2004 Graduate Scholarship, Wilfrid Laurier University $3000
2002 Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario International Scholarship $2500
2001 Violet Mclaughlin Scholarship, Carleton University $2700
2001 Entry Level Scholarship, Carleton University $2400
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