Dr. Md. Abul Hossen, MSW (Carleton, Canada), Ph.D. (Laurier, Canada).
Department of Social Work

Conference Papers of Dr. Md. Abul Hossen, MSW (Carleton, Canada), Ph.D. (Laurier, Canada).


Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): "Qualitaitve Data Analysis and Interpretation, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 3 November,  2023 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk & Session Chair)" Research Methodology on Witing Research Proposal, Presented at UniV BD, 14 June,  2020 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): "Community Rebuilding in post Covid19 Era: A Global social work concern" Organized by Community Social Workers Network, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 07 June,  2020 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): Research Methodology in the Humanities, Presented at Institutional Quality Assurance (IQAC), Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 30 July,  2019 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): Research Methodology in the Humanities, Presented at Institutional Quality Assurance (IQAC), Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 29 July,  2019 

Hossen, M. A. (Paper Presented): The importance of collaboration for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: The need for a regional cooperation, Delivered at Department of Social Work, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh, 27-28 September,  2019 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): Elderly Women and their Social Protection in a Changing World: A Study on Rural Areas of Bangladesh, Presented at Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Planning Division, Ministry of Planning, Agargaw, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 16 June,  2019 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): Data Analysis and Interpretation in Qualitative Research, Presented at Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Jatio Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Moymonshingh, Bangladesh, 07 May,  2019 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): Data Analysis and Interpretation in Qualitative Research, Presented at Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Noakhali Science and Technology University Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh, 29 April,  2019 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): The Prospector of Social Work Education in the Changing Contex, Presented at Department of Social Work, Bongomata Shaik Fazilatunnesa Mujib University of Science and Technology, Jamalpur, Bangladesh, 31 March,  2019 

Hossen, M. A. (Invited Talk): Sustainable Development Goals and its Implication for Social Work Practice: India and Bangladesh Context. Delivered at Bidyasagar School of Social Work, Bidyasagar University, Kolkata,  15 December,  2018 

Hossen, M. A. 'Accessing Family Planning Services of Women with Migrant Husbands: Identify the Ways  to Address the Client NeedsAccessing Family Planning Services of Women with Migrant Husbands: Identify the Ways  to Address the Client Needs.' International Conference on " Social Work Education in Asia: Understanding  Indian Scenario, Organized by The Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh. January 04-06,  2018.

Hossen M.A. (Session Chair): Social Work Education and Practice in Asia, International Conference on Social Work & Sustaainable Social Development, Organized by The Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh. January 04-06,  2018.

Hossen, M. A. (Speaker): Social Work Education and Practice in Bangladesh:Issues and Challegenes, International Conference on Social Work & Sustaainable Social Development, Organized by The Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Bangladesh. January 04-06,  2018.

Hossen, M. A. Women with Unwanted Pregnancy: The Role of Family, Social and Cultural Context.” International Integrative Research Conference on Government in Transudation Perspectives and Practices. In search 2017, 18-19 December 2017 BARD Comilla, Bangladesh.   

Hossen, M. A. (Panel Discussant), Workshop on Dissemination of Research Findings, Organized by Social Science Research Council, Planning Commission, 1st June, 2017.

Hossen, M. A. (Session Chair), 2nd National Seminar on " Promoting Community & Environmental Sustainability, Organized by The People's University of Bangladesh. March 22, 2017.

Hossen, M. A. (Session Chair), Breaking the Sheild and Bridging the Gaps: Health needs and Health care Utilization of Adolescent Girls,  3rd international Integrative Research Conference on Development, Governance and Transformation, 27-28 December, 2016, BARD, Comilla.

Hossen, M. A. Older Women (User) Perspective toward Service Delivery System of Government Hospital: A Study on Some Upazila Health Complex of Bangladesh. International Integrative Research Conference on Government in Transudation Perspectives and Practices. In search 2015, 18-19 December 2015 BARD Comilla, Bangladesh.   

Hossen, M. A. (Panel Discussant) in National Conference on Strategic Management and Effective Leadership in Higher Education. Hosted by American Institute of Bangladesh Studies and University of Dhaka. Held on 7 & 8 August 2015 Senate Hall, Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban University of Dhaka 2015.

Hossen, M. A. Workshop on Social Work Education and Professional recognition: Problem and Prospects in Bangladesh, Organized by BCSWE, June 2015, UITS, Dhaka. 

Hossen, M. A. (Special Guest) in Conference on Labour Related Research and Networking, Organized by Bangladesh Institute of Labor Studies, National Press Club Dhaka. December 28, 2015.

Hossen, M. A. (Session Chair) in 2nd International Seminar-2015 on Dignity in mental Health: Promotions and Policy Dimension of Bangladesh. Organized by Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka 2015

Hossen, M. A. Convenor of the organizing committee, Social Work Profession in Bangladesh: Present context and future Challenges, Organized by, BCSWE, Jaganath University Chapter, 20 Oct, 2014.

Hosssen, M. A. Conference on Contextualization of Social Work Education in Bangladesh: Challenges and Policy  Dimensions, Organized by BCSWE 28th March, 2012, ISWR, Dhaka University.

Hossen, M. A.  Coping Strategies of older rural Bangladeshi women when dealing with health problems. 13th ASCON Conference. March, 11-15, 2011, Hotel Sonargoan, Dhaka,  Bangladesh.

Hossen, M. A. In Search of healing Between two worlds: The use of traditional and western health services by elderly in rural Bangladesh. 17th ICSD international Symposium. January, 3-7, 2011, Hotel Sonargoan, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Hossen, M. A. Utilization of health care by older adult women in rural Bangladesh: The  roles of social,economic and religious factors. Canadian Public Health Association 

            Centennial conference June 13- June 16,  2010, Toronto, On, Canada 

Hossen, M. A. Doing culturally sensitive fieldwork with older adult women in rural Bangladesh: Challenges, concerns, issues and experiences. 3rd annual FSW research forum, February, 1, 2010. Waterloo, Canada. 

Hossen, M. A. Access to government health care in rural Bangladesh: The voices of older adult women, Social Work Research Day, King’s University College, November, 6, 2009

Hossen, M. A. Understanding the barriers to health care: Voices of older adult women living in rural Bangladesh. 16th Annual Canada conference on International health, Oct 25 to Oct 28, 2009, Ottawa, Canada (refereed). 

Hossen, M. A. Changing status, shifting roles: The experiences of South Asian elderly immigrants living in intergenerational households. 37th Annual Scientific & Educational Meeting, October 23-25, 2008, London, Ontario (refereed). 

Hossen, M. A. Bangladeshi elderly immigrants in Southern Ontario: Perspectives on family roles and intergenerational relations. Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population: SEDAP New Researchers Conference. McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. October 19-20, 2007 (refereed).

Hossen, M.A. & Edna, A. International students’ workshop on employment strategies and academic survival for new students: Social Innovation Research Group, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. November 17-18, 2006.