Dr. Md. Ashraf Uddin (On Study Leave)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Award of Dr. Md. Ashraf Uddin (On Study Leave)

Academic Award

  1. Primary Government Scholarship, 1996
    • This scholarship was awarded by the Bangladesh government to students who scored high marks in a competitive exam at their fifth-grade examination.                                                                   
  2. Higher Secondary Certificate Exam (HSC) Board Scholarship             
  3. Bangladesh government offers this scholarship at college graduate based on their higher secondary examination result. I was awarded this scholarship in 2004 for four years for achieving high level of Average Grade Point in Barisal, Bangladesh.                          
  4. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Dhaka awards a scholarship to the top 20 graduate students based on their academic results. I was awarded this scholarship in 2010 as I secured 11th position with first class in my Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering degree. 
  5. Federation University Australia offered a research priority scholarship for selective areas including cybersecurity, machine learning in 2017. I was awarded this scholarship for studying my PhD in the field of blockchain in eHealth. The scholarship covered university tuition and living costs. 
  6. Federation University Australia organizes Higher Degree Researcher conference where all research students present their research works and awards certificates and prize for the best presenters.
  7. Computing Research and Education that maintains the ranking of the international conferences along with ensuring quality of the research awards granted to students and researchers to present works in the CORE ranked conferences.  
  8. Scholarship for B.Sc. (Hon’s) in CSE result from Department of CSE, University of Dhaka.                                          
  9. Research Priority Scholarship-Research Service, School of Science, Engineering and Technology, Federation University, Australia
  10. 2018 HDR Research Conference, 3rd prize (Best Oral Presentation), Federation University Australia.                                                       
  11. Travel and Research Presentation Award Grant from CORE, Computing Research & Education, Australia
  12. Best Paper Award from 2021 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Informatics (EECSI), 2021

Workshop & Training Participation

  • Completed a four-month training on CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals course as part of the Cisco Network Academy, 30 May 2009.
  • Completed the international workshop on Natural Language Processing with Emphasis on Rural Development organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University of Technology, 9-10 December 2012, Bangladesh.
  • Participated in Data Analytics Workshop organized by IEEE Symposium on Data Analytics and Internet of Things (ISDAIOT 2020), IEE Victorian Section, 8, 15, 22, 29 October 2020.