Dr. Samsad Afrin Himi (Dr. phil., LMU, Germany)
Department of Psychology

Professional Exprience of Dr. Samsad Afrin Himi (Dr. phil., LMU, Germany)

Professional Experiences

2024 – Present



Department of Psychology


Jagannath University, Dhaka

2019 – 2024

Associate Professor


Department of Psychology


Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2015 – 2019

Assistant Professor


Department of Psychology


Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2012 – 2015



Department of Psychology


Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2011 – 2012



Research & Evaluation Division


Educational Research Unit


BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Faculty Member


The College of Arts and Sciences


IUBAT- International University of


Business Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka

Research Grant

  • 2021 - 2022: “Fluid intelligence and executive functions and their relations to impulsiveness and disruptive behavior of Bangladeshi adolescents”, Principal Investigator, UGC Funded Jagannath University Research Grant, Dhaka 

  • 2020 - 2021: "Moderating role of personality on the relationship between multitasking behavior and cognitive abilities ", Principal Investigator, UGC Funded Jagannath University Research Grant, Dhaka 

Workshop Facilitator

  1. Regular facilitator of Basic and Advanced Training Course on Psychometrics, organized by Bangladesh Psychometric Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  2. Two Days’ Workshop on Psychometric Test Construction: Principles & Applications for Education and Mental Health (April, 2021), Organized by Department of Psychology, School of Liberal Arts & Culture Studies, Adamas University, Kolkata, India.

  3. Training on “Psychometrics for HR Professional” (November, 2020), organized by Enroute Centre for Development.

  4. One day international workshop on Principles and Processes in Psychometric Tool Construction (September, 2020), organized by Bangladesh Psychometric Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  5. Pre-conference workshop on Academic Writing (March, 2019), organized by the 5th Bangladesh Clinical Psychology & ICOPE Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Workshops Attended

  1. Pre-conference workshop on Multinomial-Processing-Tree (MPT) Modeling: Basic Methods and Recent Advances,  organized by the 51st Conference of German Psychological Association (DGP), Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

  2. Pre-conference workshop on Mining Big Data to Extract Patterns and Predict Real-life Outcomes (July, 2018), organized by the 19th Edition of the European Conference on Personality, Zadar, Croatia.

  3. Presentation Skills (February, 2018), organized by Graduate Center LMU

  4. Maintaining Privacy with Open Data (February, 2018), organized by LMU Open Science Center

  5. Pre-symposium workshop on Computational Modelling of Visual Working Memory in Matlab (July, 2017),organized by General and Experimental Psychology, LMU

  6. Voice Training (June, 2017), organized by Graduate Center LMU

  7. Optimizing Writing Strategies in English (April, 2017), organized by Graduate Center LMU

  8. SlideWriting (March, 2017), organized by Graduate Center LMU

  9. Optimizing Reading Strategies (November, 2016), organized by Graduate Center LMU

  10. Power Analysis (July, 2016), organized by Open Science Team

  11. Meetings und DiskussionsrundenLeiten (June, 2016), organized by Graduate Center LMU

  12. Logic and Argumentation for Young Researcher (April, 2016), organized by Graduate Center LMU

Professional Training

  1. Attended in the Three Months Long Lectures Series on Multivariate Statistics (April – July, 2016) at LMU, given by Prof. Dr. Moritz Heene

  2. 8th Summer School Programon Psychology (July/August, 2014)

  3. Course completed: 7 Courses (equivalent to 29 Credits)

  4. International Max Planck Research School on Adapting Behavior in a FundamentallyUncertain World (IMPRS Uncertainty), Germany

  5. Internship in Strategic Management though SWOT Analysis(April, 2010)

Chairmanship of Conferences/Symposia

  • Conference Convener, Scientific Committee, 2nd International Conference of Bangladesh Psychometric Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh (going to be held on November, 2024)

  • Conference Convener, 1st Psychology Conference, organized by Department of Psychology, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (going to be held on May, 2024)

  • Conference Member, Scientific Committee, 16th Psychology Conference, organized by Bangladesh Psychological Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh (held on October, 2022)

  • Conference Member Secretary, Scientific Committee, 1st International Conference of Bangladesh Psychometric Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh (held on January, 2022)


Editorship/Reviewer of Journals

  • 2023 –            Associate Editor of Bangladesh Journal of Psychology

  • 2020 –            Associate Editor of Jagannath University Journal of Psychology

  • 2019 – 2022   Assistant Editor of Bangladesh Journal of Psychology


  • ·       Brain and Behavior

  • ·       European Review of Applied Psychology

  • ·       Psychological Report

  • ·       Applied Cognitive Psychology

  • ·       Personality and Individual Differences

  • ·       Applied Neuropsychology: Child

  • ·       FWU Journal of Social Sciences

  • ·       Psychology Research and Behavior Management

  • ·       Journal of Behavioural Sciences

  • ·       18th European Congress of Psychology, organized by the British Psychological Society (held on July, 2023)

  • ·       National-level Journals

Software Proficiency

Proficient in using R Programming, IBM SPSS Amos, MATLAB, and Python Programming.

Professional Memberships

  • International Secretary: Bangladesh Psychometrics Society

  • Publication Secretary: Bangladesh Psychological Association

  • Associate Member of American Psychological Association (APA) (Membership Number: 37512484)

  • Life Member of Bangladesh Psychological Association (BPA) (Membership Number: LM 00000123)

  • Life Member of Bangladesh Psychometric Society (BPS)