Shilpi Rani Dey, M.Phil. (DU), Ph.D. in Progress (Western Sydney University, Australia)
Department of Social Work

Award of Shilpi Rani Dey, M.Phil. (DU), Ph.D. in Progress (Western Sydney University, Australia)

  1. Post-graduate Research Training Scholarship 2019, School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University, Australia, for PhD program.
  2. Dhaka University Master of Philosophy Scholarship, Session 2008-09, Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka.
  3. M.Phil Fellowship from Social Science Research Council, Planning Division, Ministry of Planning, the People's Republic of Bangladesh for Master of Philosophy Project.
  4. Awarded as the best presented paper entitled Legal confinement and education right: Experiences of the teenage girls at the Child Development Centre (CDC) of Bangladesh in School of Social Sciences, in the 2-Days-Long 2nd Annual Higher Degree Researchers Conference- 2021, 9-10 June 2021, organized by RCSC, Western Sydney University, NSW, Australia.
  5. Awarded as the best presented talk entitled It’s a jail. …. falling so far behind! Lightning Talk, in School of Social Sciences, in the 3-Days- Long WSU Junior Researchers Conference 2022, held on 15-17 May 2022, organized by RCSC, Western Sydney University, NSW, Australia. 
  6. Merit Award in Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) from humanities Group from Sylhet Board.
  7. 3MT thesis winner’ (both penal nominated award and people’s choice award as the best presentation) of Western Sydney University 3MT 2021 presentation on “…who likes to be in a cage? It’s a jail…!” at School of Social Sciences, held on 12 July 2021