Dr. Md. Maniruzzman Khandaker
Department of Botany

Publication of Dr. Md. Maniruzzman Khandaker

1. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman. Stem canker and black disease of potato in Bangladesh: its severity, characteristics of the causal organism and management practices. 2005 Ph D Thesis. Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka

2. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, MKA Bhuiyan and A Khair 2005. The occurrence of Rhizoctonia solani on subterranean parts of weeds in the potato fields of Bangladesh. Bagladesh J. Life Sciences. Vol. 17(2): 35-40

3. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, A Khair and MKA Bhuiyan 2005. Selection of antagonistic isolate of Trichoderma harzianum against Rhizoctionia solani and its mass culture on organic substrates. Bangladesh J. Life Sciences. Vol. 17(2): 41-47

4. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, MKA Bhuiyan and A Khair 2006. Prevalence of stem canker and black scurf disease of potato in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Botany. Vol. 35(1): 87-90

5. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, MKA Bhuiyan and A Khair 2006. Effects of different physiological factors on growth and selerotia production of virulent isolates of Rhizoctonia solani. Bangladesh J. Sciences. Vol. 18(1): 39-46

6. Malaker PK, IH Mian, Md Maniruzzaman Khandaker and MMA Reza 2007. Survival of Bioparis sorokiana in soil and residue of wheat. Bangladesh J. Botany. Vol 36(2): 133-137

7. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, MKA Bhuiyan and A Khair 2008. Disease reaction of different crops against virulent isolate of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. Bangladesh J. Botany. Vol 37(1): 75-80

8. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, MKA Bhuiyan and A Khair 2010. In vitro evaluation of fungicidal responses of pathogenic Rhizoctonia solni Kuhn, antagonistic binucleate Rhizoctonia and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. Bangladesh J. Botany. Vol 39(1): 107-110

9. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, MKA Bhuiyan, A Khair and MAHB Bhuiyan 2011. Cultural and Pathogenic variations in Rhizoctonia species from plants and soils of potato fields in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Agriculture. Vol 36(1): 71-79

10. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, MKA Bhuiyan, A Khair and MKA Bhuiyan 2011. Disease reaction of potato germplasms and true potato seeds against Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. Bangladesh J. Botany. Vol. 40(2): 193-196

11. Rahman MT, MAHB Bhuiyan, MKA Bhuiyan and Md. Maniruzzaman Khandaker 2012. In vitro integrated management of blossom blight disease of tuberose caused by Fusarium equiseti. Pakistan J. Phytopathol. 24(1) 48-55

12. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, A Khair and MKA Bhuiyan 2012. Control measures of stem canker and black scurf disease of potato in naturally infested field. Jagannath University Journal of Science. 1(2): 79-85

13. Islam, T, Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman Khandaker, MKA Bhuiyan and MAB Bhuiyan 2012. In vitro evaluation of fungicides, organic amendments and Trichoderma harzianum against blossom blight disease of Polianthes tuberose L cause by Fusarium quuiseti. Jagannath University Journal of Science. 1(2) 61-69

14. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, A Khair, MKA Bhuiyan 2014. Control of black scurf disease of potato under artificially inoculated condition. Jagannath University Journal of Science. 3(II) 68-74

15. Khandaker, Md. Maniruzzaman, Sharmin Sultana 2015. Investigation of aeromycoflora at outdoor condition of Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences 1: 60-64