Dr. Muhammad Khirul Islam
Department of Islamic Studies

Publication of Dr. Muhammad Khirul Islam


  1. Osiyat : A Review in the light of islamic shariah, Journal of Islami Ain O Bichar, Bangladesh Islamic Lae Research and Legal Aid Center,Year 9, Issue 36,October-December 2013, P.139
  2.  Islamic Insurance: A Review in the light of Islamic Shariah, Journal of Islami Ain O Bichar, Bangladesh Islamic Law Research and Legal Aid Center,Year 10, Issue 40, October-December 2014, P. 135
  3. Human Trafficking and Islam: A Review, Journal of Islamic Studies Jagannath University, Volume 1, January – December 2015, p. 42
  4. Islamic Spirit in the Poem “ Kheya Parer Toroni”: A Review, Jagannath University Journal of Arts, Vol 3, No. 1, January-June 2013, p.55-68
  5. Land Management in the age of Khulafa-E-Rasidin and Land management in present Bangladesh: A Comparative Discussion, Journal of Islamic Studies Jagannath University, Volume: 2&3, Years: 2016& 2017, P. 113-131
  6. Framework and Necessity of Interfaith Dialogue in the Light of the Holy Quran aand Hadith: A review, Islamic Foundation Journal, year:58, number:4, April-June 2019, P. 49-58
  7. Social Empowerment of Women:Islamic Perspective, Proceedings of International Conference organaized by Aliah University, Kolkata,February 2019


History of Islam (Umayyad and Abbasid Period), (Co-Author), Dhaka: Merit Fair Publications 2016 (1st edition)