Farhad Ahmed
Department of Philosophy

Publication of Farhad Ahmed

Journal Articles

  1. Ahmed, F. & Noorana (2022). Repatriation or Rehabilitation? Justification of Rohingya refugee in the lensed of lifeboat Ethics, Journal of Arts, Jagannath University, vol-, 2022. Language English.
  1. Ahmed, F., (2021). Mill’s Notion of Individual Freedom and Representative Democracy: It’s Relevance to Bangladesh, Anneshon, Journal of Philosophy Department, Rajshahi University. Vol: 20, 2021 ( Language English.)
  1. Ahmed, F., (2021). Philosophical counseling: Self-realization and self-transformation, Jibon Dorshon, Journal of Philosophy Department, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, Vol.9,  September 2021 (Language Bangla)
  1. Ahmed, F. and Islam, H., (2015). Freedom and Determinism: Reconsideration of the view of Rousseau and Mill, Somaj Nirikkhon, Gulsan-1, Dhaka-1212. Vol. 138, July-September 2015. (Language Bangla)
  1. Ahmed, F., (2015), Husserl’s Theory of Phenomenological Reduction: Form of Pure Consciousness, Jibon Dorshon, Journal of Philosophy Department, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, Vol.3 (Language Bangla)


Research Grant: 

         The Collective Moral Responsibility of Tourists in Cox's Bazar: Mitigating Waste Dumping and Enhancing Waste Management at Cox's Bazar Sea Beach(Funding from Jagannath University, 2024.)