Dr. Abdus Samad
Department of Chemistry

Publication of Dr. Abdus Samad


Mahmud, M.S., Rahman, M.S., Dina, S.A., Nasher, N.M., Choudhury, T.R. Begum, B.A., and, Samad, A. Potential toxic elements in surface water bodies of Mokosh Beel, Gazipur, Bangladesh: Ecological and human health risk assessment for recreational users, Under Review, Heliyon.


Ara, G., Samad, A., Rahman, M., Shamsun Naher, S., Md Elias, Md Shajahan,

A comparative path for photocatalytic action of undoped and S-doped TiO2 for photodegradation of methylene blue: A study of possible trouble-free synthesis of sulphur doping TiO2 nano-powder, Arabian Journal of Chemical engineering, Submitted.


Islam, S., Ara, G., Akhtar. U.S., Mostafa. M.G., Haque, I., Shuva, Z.A., and Samad, A. Development of Lightweight structural concrete with artificial aggregate manufactured from local clay and solid waste materials. Under Review, Heliyon.


Samad, A., Roy, D., Hasan, M.M., Ahmed, K.S. Sarker, S., Hossain, M. M., and Shajahan, M. Intake of toxic metals through dietary eggs consumption and its potential health risk assessment on the peoples of the capital city Dhaka, Bangladesh, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 16(10), 2023, 105104.


Samad, A.  Furukawa, M., Tateishi, I., Katsumata, H., Kaneco, S. Highly efficient visible light-induced photocatalytic oxidation of arsenite with nanosized WO3 particles in the presence of Cu2+ and CuO, Environmental Technology, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2022.2051607.


Hasanuzzamana, M., Ara, G., Roy, D., Rahman, M.S., Samad, A. One step photocatalytic removal of arsenic from aqueous solution using Fe2O3/ZnO nanocomposite under visible light, Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society 2021, 33(2), 128‒133.


N.M.R. Nasher, A. Rahman, A. Samad, Atmospheric ozone pollution dependency on meteorological parameters in Chattogram, Bangladesh, J. Ind. Geophys. Union, 26(2) (2022), 108-119.


A. Samad, M. Furukawa, I. Tateishi, H. Katsumataa, S. Kaneco, Optimisation of the total arsenic determination method with oxone as a nobel As(III) oxidant. JnUJSci., Vol. 08, No. I, Dec. 2021, 66-73.


A. Samad, S. Naher, A.R.M. Tareq, A.K.M.A. Ullah M.A.K. Talukder, S. Biswas, Saturated normal chain hydrocarbon profile in the Shela river water of Sundarbans region after a furnace oil spil, Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society, 2021, 33(1), 61–67.


D. Roy, S.S. Islam, S.B. Quraishi, M.M. Hosen, F. Rahman, A. Samad, G.A. Latifa,

Comprehensive analysis of toxic metals and their sources accumulated by cultured Oreochromis niloticus in Pagla sewage treatment plant, Narayanganj, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 14, 2021, 1556. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-021-07917-3.


A. Samad, A. Sarker, A. Sharif, M.R. Patwary, M. Masud Iqbal, S. Reza Choudhury, M. Iqbal Arslan, M. N. A. Siddique, B.A. Begum, K.J. Fatema, A. K. M. L. Rahman, Comparative Study on the Water Quality Status of an Industrialized and a Non-industrialized Area of Bangladesh, JnUJSci. 7(2), 2021, 64-74.


A. Samad, S. Baidya, U.S. Akhtar, K.S. Ahmed, S.C. Roy, S. Islam, Manufacture of refractory brick from locally available red clay blended with white portland cement and its performance evaluation, Int. J. Geomate, 20, 2021, 105-112. https://doi.org/10.21660/2021.80.j2033.


S.M.M. Karim, A. Samad, S.K. Roy, Z. Rahman, S.M.M. Hassan, S. Naher, Comparative assessment on physico-chemical properties and mineralogical analysis of different types of cottonseed available in Bangladesh, JnUJSci. 07 (1), 2020, 34-40.


A.T. Tandrila, M. Mohiuddin, M.A. Hossain, M.S. Rahman, A. Samad, Causes of Landslides in Chittagong Hill Tracks, Bangladesh, Journal of National Geographical Society of India, 66(1), 2020, 41-50.


A. M. Sarkar, A. K. M. A. M. Sarkar, A. K. M. L. Rahman, A. Samad, A. C. Bhowmick, J. B. Islam, Surface and Ground Water Pollution in Bangladesh: A Review. Asian Review. Environmental and Earth Sciences, 6,(1), 2019, 47-69. https://doi.org/10.20448/journal.506.2019.61.47.69.


A. Debnath, M. Salma, M.S. Islam, M.G. Mostafa, A. Samad, U.S. Akhtar, Effect of processed rice husk ash on the production of Conventional bricks, Inter. J. Sci. Eng. Res. 10,2019, 1033-1036.


A. Samad, Shamim Ahsan, M. Furukawa, H. Katsumata, T. Suzuki, S. Kaneco, Indirect photocatalytic reduction of arsenate to arsenite in aqueous solution with TiO2 in the presence of hole scavengers. Chin. J. Chem. Eng. 26, 2018, 529-533. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjche.2017.05.019.


S. Naher, M.A.B. Siddique, T. Afroz, A. Mallik, A. Samad, M.A. Ahsan, Effects of soil and water salinity in different crops grown in non-saline and salinity affected areas of Bangladesh. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 43(1), 2017, 129-133.


A. Samad, T. Fukumoto, A.H.A. Dabwan, H. Katsumata, T. Suzuki, M. Furukawa, S. Kaneco, Enhanced removal of arsenite from ground water by adsorption onto heat-treated rice husk. Open Journal of Inorganic Non–Metallic Materials, 6, 2016, 18–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojinm.2016.63004.


A. Samad, M. Furukawa, H. Katsumata, T. Suzuki, S. Kaneco, Photocatalytic oxidation and simultaneous removal of arsenite with CuO/ZnO photocatalyst. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 325, 2016, 97–103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotochem.2016.03.035.


A.N. Pulak, A.K.M. Lutfor Rahman, M.A. Rouf, M.S. Islam, A. Samad, M.A. Mamun, Study on Bio-methanation using poultry dropping with cow dung. Jn. Univ. J. Sci. 2(2), 2013, 1-9.


S. Islam, A.K.M. Lutfor Rahman, M. Moniruzzaman, A. Samad, Study on the density and porosity of concrete using rice husk ash with alum. Bang. Res. Found. J. 2 (1), 2013, 27-34.


S. Islam, A.K.M. Lutfor Rahman, M. Moniruzzaman, A. Samad, Study on high performance concrete using rice husk ash with alum and nitrate. Jn. Univ. J. Sci. 1(2), 2012, 41-47.


A. Samad, A.K.M. Lutfor Rahman, B. Begum, M.Z. Hossain, M. Islam, M.G.K. Mondol, M.A. Ahsan, Evaluation of Buriganga pollution by monitoring seasonal variation of water quality parameter. Bang. Res. Found. J. 1(2), 2012, 51-60.


M. A. Rahman, M. M. Hossain, A. Samad, A.M. Shafiqul Alam, Removal of arsenic from groundwater with shrimp Shell. Dhaka. Uni. J. Sci. 60(2), 2012, 175-180.


A. Samad, M. A. Rahman, A. M. Shafiqul Alam, Removal of arsenic from groundwater with a low cost multilayer media. Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. 11(1), 2010, 28-35.


Md. A. Rahman, M. A. Rahman, A. Samad, A.M. Shafiqul Alam, Removal of arsenic with oyster shell: Experimental measurements. Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. 9(2), 2008, 69-77.