Dr. Sumaiya Farah Khan

Award of Dr. Sumaiya Farah Khan


1. Asiatic Society Award for PhD Research, Awarded by Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2015.

2. Commonwealth Scholarship for Split-Site PhD, awarded by Commonwealth Scholarship Comission,UK,  2014.

3. Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) fellow, since 2013.

4. Bangbandhu Fellowship for PhD research, awarded by Govt. of Bangladesh, 2013.

5. Dean’s Award for excellence in B.Sc (hons) in the faculty of biological sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2007.


Research Grants:

1. Grant for Research in Science by Research Cell of Jagannath University as a Principal Investigator, jointly funded by Jagannath University and University Grant Commission, Bangladesh (2019-2020).

2. Grant for Research in Science by Research Cell of Jagannath University as a Principal Investigator, funded by University Grant Commission, Bangladesh (2019-2020).

3. Grant for Research in Science by Research Cell of Jagannath University as a Principal Investigator, funded by Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bangladesh (2019-2020).

4. Grant for Research in Science by Research Cell of Jagannath University as a Principal Investigator, jointly funded by Jagannath University and University Grant Commission, Bangladesh (2018-2019).


Travel Grants:

1. “VISCEA Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance III Conference”, Vienna, Austria, 2015. Sponsored by Commonwealth Scholarship Comission,UK (CSCUK).

2. "5th HOPE meeting with Nobel Laureates", Tokyo, Japan, 2013. Sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS).