Lubna Jebin
Department of Public Administration

Conference Papers of Lubna Jebin


1. Balancing researcher and advocacy role: A reflection from PhD fieldwork experince, presented in 'Beyond the Boundaries: Relationality and Interdependence', Social and Political Sciences Symposium, 2022, Monash University, Australia.

2.  Neither success, nor failure; rather intersectional: Bangladeshi women migrant domestic workers' experience of reintegration, presented in Social and Political Sciences Symposium, 2020, Monash University, Australia. 


1. Minimizing power hierarchy in research practices: Significance of researcher’s words, language and tone of voice, Presented in International Conference on Building Feminist Academia, Chile, 2023. 

2. Researching gender-based violence and the practice of self-care: a reflection from PhD fieldwork, presented in, 'Activist Energies', Australian Women and Gender Studies Association (AWGSA) Biennial Conference, Melbourne, 2022.  

2. Mere Recognition: Does it really work? published as proceeding for ‘Proud in Europe? LGBTI Emancipation in Comparative Perspective' at University of Amsterdam – 2016.