Dr. S M Masum Billah
Department of Law

Publication of Dr. S M Masum Billah

Peer-reviewed journal articles and invited book chapters


 David McQuoid Mason, S M Masum Billah, Tapas Kanti Baul (eds) Law Human Rights and LegalEducation: Essays in Honuor of Professor Mizanur Rahman (Hakkani, Dhaka, 2024).

 S M Masum Billah Ain O Oboshishto (PrintPukur, Chittagong, 2023).

S M Masum Billah The Politics of Land Law: Poverty and Land Legislation in Bangladesh with an Introduction by Richard Boast (University Press Limited, Dhaka, 2021).

----------------------- Vab o Ovab (In Bangla, trans: The Art and Inert of Law) (Palal, Dhaka, 2019).

 -----------------------(co-edited with Prof Mizanur Rahman and Barrister Tapas Kanti Baul) Human Rights and Rebellious Lawyering (ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights, Dhaka, 2019).

 Book Chapters/Contribution to Research Publications  

 Research Assistant (with Professor Mizanur Rahman) Bangabandhu: Notun Projonmer Vabna O Vobisshoter Dikdorshon (UGC, Dhaka, 2023).

 S M Masum Billah “Bangladesh: Public Law, Religious Freedom and Regulating Religious Sentiment” in Li-ann Thio and Jaclyn L Neo (eds) Religious Offences in Common Law Asia: Colonial Legacies, Constitutional Rights and Contemporary Practice (Hart Publishing, London, 2020) Pp 215-243.

 ----------------, “Property, Poverty and Constitution” (ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights, Dhaka, 2019).

 Masum Billah, “Constitutional Property Clause: A Comment on the Bangladeshi, New Zealand and the Polish Approach” in Dariusz ZDziech (ed) OCEANIA: An Important Part of the Pacific (Jagiellonian University Press, Poland, 2018) Pp 163-169.

 Shakhawat Hossain Shamim and SM Masum Billah “Judges in Social Media: What Implications for the Judicial System” in Mizanur Rahman, Rahmat Ullah, Rumana Islam (eds) Human Rights and Digital Age (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2018).

 S M Masum Billah "Can there be Constitutions for Women Too" in Mizanur Rahman & Rahmat Ullah (eds) Human Rights and Religion (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2017).

 ---------------------- “How Eminent is Eminent Domain: A Critique of Bangladeshi Acquisition Law” in Mizanur Rahman (ed) Human Rights and Displacement (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2016).

 ------------------------ “Can Secularism and State Religion go Together” in Mizanur Rahman (ed) Human Rights and Religion (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2014).

 -------------------------“Human Rights Education in Bangladesh: A Pro-Poor Approach” in Kamran Hashemi and Linda Briskman (eds) NAM Yearbook on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity (NAM Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, Tehran, 2013).

 -------------------------- “Dalit Egalite” in Mizanur Rahman and Md Rahmat Ullah (eds) Human Rights and Critically Disadvantaged People (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2012).

 -------------------------- “Sovereign Rights Concept under UNCLOS III Revisited” in Mizanur Rahman (ed) Human Rights and Sovereignty over Natural Resources (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2010).

 -------------------------- (co-author Mizanur Rahman) “War Crimes and Genocide 71: Bringing the Perpetrators to Justice” in Mizanur Rahman (ed) Post-conflict Justice, Peace and Human Rights (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2009).

 S M Masum Billah “Political Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh: Constitutional and Human Rights Issues” in Mizanur Rahman (ed) Human Rights and Development (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2008). 

 -----------------------“In Quest of Democracy: Anti-Corruption Drive, Rule of Law, Due Process of Law Interface” in Mizanur Rahman (ed) Human Rights and Corruption (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2007).


----------------------- “Juddhporadh, Shanti O Manobotar Biruddhe Oporadher Bichare Bangladesh Rashter Jobabdihita” in Mizanur Rahman (ed) Juddhaporadhider Bichar: Ekti Aini Onushondhan (Palal, Dhaka, 2007).


-------------------------“Right to Privacy: Philosophical Prelude, Development and Challenges” (7th Human Rights Summer School Publication, Dhaka, 2006).


--------------------------“Non-state Actors Being the Prism: Need for Judicial Activism in Bangladesh to Nurture Human Rights” in Mizanur Rahman (ed) Human Rights and Non-State Actors (ELCOP, Dhaka, 2005).



Journal Articles

 S M Masum Billah, “Bangladesh’s Genesis: Re-reading the Proclamation of Independence at It’s 50” (2022) Bangladesh Journal of Law (BILIA, June 2022). 

 S M Masum Billah “The Relevance of Human Rights Idea in Understanding the UNCLOS III” (2022) Jagannath University Law Journal (Vol 3, 2014-2021).   

 S M Masum Billah, “Judicial Independence and the Masdar Hossain Legacy” (2021) 19 (1) Bangladesh Journal of Law 13-32. 

 S M Masum Billah “Testing Constitutional Metaphors: Some Insights from Bangladesh” (2020) 8 Jahangirnagar University Law Journal 1.

 ------------------------ “Law of the Sea and Human Rights: A Connection Reexamined” (2021) 8 Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal.  

 ------------------------ “Land Law Reform and Poverty: Bangladesh’s Sharecropping Law Revisited” (2017) 6(1) International Journal of Legal Studies and Research 55.

 ----------------------- “Fairness in the War Trial: What to Buy from the International Practice of Alibi” (2016) 2 Bangladesh Journal of Dalit and Minority 10.

 -------------------------“Rethinking Secularism under Bangladesh Constitution” (2014) 1 (1) Jagannath University Law Journal 40.

 -------------------------- “Lawless Laws: Land Law and Empowerment of the People” (2013) 13 Rajshahi University Law Journal 30.

 Professor Dr Mizanur Rahman and S M Masum Billah “Prosecuting War Crimes in Domestic Level: The Case of Bangladesh (2010) 1 Northern University Journal of Law 15.

 --------------------------- “Making Constitutionalism Smooth: Is Advisory Jurisdiction a Catalyst” (2008) 19 (1) Dhaka University Journal of Law 131.

 S M Masum Billah and Khaleda Parven “Proclamation of Independence: The Unsung Document on the Way of Constitutionalism in Bangladesh” (2005) 5 (3) Bangladesh Journal of National and Foreign Affairs 70.