Dr. Muhammad Zamir Hossain
Department of Chemistry

Biography of Dr. Muhammad Zamir Hossain

I am currently working as a Professor in the Chemistry Department at Jagannath University. I received a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from the Graduate School of Engineering at Tohoku University, Japan in September 2017. I performed my Ph.D. experiments in the Adschiri Lab of the Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) at Tohoku University. My supervisor was Prof. Tadafumi Adschiri, a pioneer of supercritical water (water at or above 374 °C and 22.1 MPa) technology for nanoparticle synthesis. For my Ph.D., the academic advisor was Prof. Dr. Seiichi Takami. My Ph.D. thesis focused on the rheology of concentrated nanofluids with surface-modified nanoparticles synthesized in supercritical water. Currently, I am working on nanoparticle synthesis, characterization, dispersion-aggregation of nanoparticles, rheology study of nanofluids, the thermal conductivity of nanofluids, heat transfer of nanofluids, photocatalysis, antibacterial activity assessment of nanoparticles, etc.

I am engaged in teaching a few courses such as Nanochemistry, Advanced Coordination Chemistry, and Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of the Elements, General Chemistry, etc. at the undergraduate and graduate level as a Professor at the Chemistry department of Jagannath University beside performing reserach projects.

I attended a few international meetings, seminars, symposiums, and conferences on supercritical fluids technology and nanoparticle research, such as ISSF, AMIS, etc. I delivered invited lectures at the BCS Congress 2019 and ICSTB-2021.

Presently, I am involved in conducting nanoscale research in our Nanomaterials & Nanofluid Research Lab. here at Jagannath University, Bangladesh. For nanomaterial synthesis, mostly chemical methods (hydrothermal, solvothermal, precipitation, etc.) are employed. TEM, HRTEM, SEM, EDX, SAXS, XRD, UV-vis, TGA, FTIR, and other techniques are used for characterization of synthesized nanomaterials . I am looking forward to contributing to research with nanoparticles.

Research Interests: Nanomaterials, Materials, Advanced Materials, Nanoparticle Synthesis, Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Nanoparticles, Organic ligand-assisted core-shell nanoparticles synthesis, shape and size control of nanomaterials, Nanomaterial characterization, nanofluid, rheology study of nanofluids, heat transfer of nanofluids, catalysis, etc.





Muhammad Zamir Hossain





Date of Birth:

15 November

Marital Status:











Department of Chemistry,

Jagannath University,

9-10 Chittaranjan Avenue,

Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh

E-mail: zamir@chem.jnu.ac.bd

E-mail: zamir545@gmail.com,

Cell Phone: +8801723793466


Telephone (o): (+88) 02 223353794

Fax: 711375

 Google Scholer Link:
