Dr. Muhammad Zamir Hossain
Department of Chemistry

Publication of Dr. Muhammad Zamir Hossain

20. Nahar, B. Chaity, S.B. Gafur, M.A. Hossain, M.Z., Synthesis Of Spherical Copper Oxide Nanoparticles By Chemical Precipitation Method And Investigation Of Their Photocatalytic And Antibacterial Activities, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2023, Article ID 2892081, 1-10.

19. S.M.A. Nayem, SS Shah, SB Chaity, BK Biswas, BNahar, MA Aziz, MZ Hossain, Jute stick extract assisted hydrothermal synthesis of zinc oxide nanoflakes and their enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial efficacy, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 15(2), 11, 2022, 104265.


18. MA Rahman, MZ Hossain, N Ahmed, Adsorption Isotherms of 2,4-Dichlorophenolonto Lignocellulosic Materials, Used Black Tea MA Rahman, MZ Hossain, N Ahmed, Adsorption Isotherms of 2,4-Dichlorophenolonto Lignocellulosic Materials, Used Black Tea Leaves, International Journal of Advanced Engineering (IJAE), 2022, 5(2), 1-8.

17. Alam, M.S.; Nahar, B.; Gafur, M.A.; Seong, G.; Hossain, M.Z. Forced Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurement of Low Concentration Nanorods ZnO–Ethylene Glycol Nanofluids in Laminar Flow. Nanomaterials 202212, 1568. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12091568


16. Md. Shah Alam, S. M. Abu Nayem, Bishawjit Kumar Biswas, Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Activity Assessment of Spherical Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Precipitation Method, Jagannath Univ. J. Sci., 8(1), 2021, 74−80.

15.Sanjoy Halder, Aninda N. Ahmed, Md. A. Gafur, Gimyeong Seong, and Muhammad Z. Hossain*, Size-Controlled Facile Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Chemical Reduction Method and Analysis of Their Antibacterial Performance, ChmistrySelect, 2021, 6, 9714-9720.(https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/slct.202101362)


14. S. M. Abu Nayem And Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Enhanced Photodegradation of Methylene Blue Dye by Ag–ZnO Nanocomposites, J. Bangladesh Chem. Soc., 33(1), 2021, 53-56.

13. Md. Shah Alam And Muhammad Zamir Hossain, A Simple Hydrothermal Protocol for The Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanorods, Jagannath Univ. J. Sci., 7(2), 2021, 75-80.

12. Md. Shariful Alam, Md. Mojammel Haque And Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Influence of A Periodic Magnetic Field on Natural Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids Inside A Square Cavity: A Numerical Study, Jagannath Univ. J. Sci., 6(1&2), 2019, 135-150.

11. Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Rheology Study of SiO2–Water Nanofluids, Jagannath Univ. J. Sci., 6(1&2), 2019, 35-45.

10. Hossain, M.Z., Hojo, D., Yoko, A., Seong, G., Aoki, N., Tomai, T., Takami, S., Adschiri, T. Dispersion and Rheology of Nanofluids With Various Concentrations of Organic Modified Nanoparticles: Modifier and Solvent Effects, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 583, 2019, 123876.  DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.123876

9. Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Sanjoy Halder, Aninda Nafis Ahmed, Md. Abdul Gafur, Synthesis of Spherical Silver Nanoparticles by Chemical Reduction Method, J. Bangladesh Chem. Soc., 30(2), 2018, 42-47.

8. Muhammad Zamir Hossain,  Controlled Shape and Size. Jagannath Univ. J. Sci., 5(2), 2018, 45-56.

7Yuanzheng Zhu, Seiichi Takami, Gimyeong Seong, Mehdi Dejhosseini, Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Takio Noguchi, Daisuke Hojo, Nobuaki Aoki, Tsutomu Aida And Tadafumi Adschiri. Green Solvent for Green Materials: A Supercritical Hydrothermal Method and Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Cr-Doped Ceo2 Nanoparticles, Phil. Trans. A. 373(2057), 2015, 1-14.

6. Adschiri, Tadafumi; Zhu, Yuanzheng; Seong, Gimyeong; Dejhosseini, Mehdi; Hossain, Muhammad Zamir; Noguchi, Takio; Hojo, Daisuke; Aoki, Nobuaki; Aida, Tsutomu; Takami, Seiichi, Supercritical Route for Green Materials, Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress 2015: APCChC 2015, Incorporating CHEMECA 2015. Paper No. 3126396 (ISBN: 9781922107473).

5. Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Md. Monimul Huque, Md. Shajahan, Md. Abdul Gafur. Effect of Alkali Pretreatment on Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Soft Wood Sawdust Reinforced Virgin Polypropylene Composites, Jagannath Univ. J. Sci., 4 (1), 2015, 41-53.

4. A. Samad, A.K.M. Lutfor Rahman, B. Begum, M.Z. Hossain, M. Islam, M.G.K. Mondol, M.A. Ahsan. Evaluation of Buriganga Pollution by Monitoring Seasonal Variation of Water Quality Parameter. Bang. Res. Found. J. 1(2), 2012, 51-60.

3. A.K.M. Lutfor Rahman, M. Islam, M. Z. Hossain and M. A. Ahsan, Study of The Seasonal Variations in Turag River Water Quality Parameters, Afr. J. Pure Appl. Chem. 6(10), 2012, 144-148.

2. Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Shamsad Begum Qurashi, Evaluation of Levels of Some Water Quality Parameters and Contamination in Waters from Ramna And Rupnagar Lake in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bang. Res. Found. J. 1 (1), 2012, 121-131.

1. Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Gazi Md. Ahsanul Kabir and Shamsad Begum Qurashi, Contamination of Dhanmondi And Gulshan Lake Waters with Some Metals and Inorganic Pollutants, J. Bang. Aca. Sci. 34(1), 2010, 89-93.



Conference Proceedings

1. Adschiri, Tadafumi; Zhu, Yuanzheng; Seong, Gimyeong; Dejhosseini, Mehdi; Hossain, Muhammad Zamir; Noguchi, Takio; Hojo, Daisuke; Aoki, Nobuaki; Aida, Tsutomu; Takami, Seiichi, Supercritical route for green materials,  Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress 2015: APCChE 2015, incorporating CHEMECA 2015. (ISBN: 9781922107473).

2. Muhammad Zamir Hossain, Daisuke Hojo and Tadafumi Adschiri, Synthesis of n-alkanoic fatty acid surface modified CeO2 nanoparticles in supercritical water with small size and high packing density of surface modifiers, Proceeding of the International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology (ICCST-Chem 2018), OP/A13, 24-25 February 2018, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh. (ISBN: 978-984-34-4017-

3. Muhammad Zamir Hossain, A Short Presentation on Research with Nanoparticles, Vol.54, Special Issue (2019): Science and Technology for Sustainable Development. J. Bang. Ind. Sci Res. 2019. (ISSN. 0304-9809, eISSN. 2224-715)