Dr. Mohammad Rajibul Haque Akanda
Department of Chemistry

Publication of Dr. Mohammad Rajibul Haque Akanda

List of Publications:

Peer-reviewed Papers Published in International Journals:

 1.   Md. Abdul Aziz, Kyungmin Jo, Jeong-Ah Lee, Md. Rajibul Akanda, Daekyung Sung, Sangyong Jon and Haesik Yang* “An Amphiphilic Polymer- and Carbon Nanotube- Modified  Indium Tin Oxide Electrode for Sensitive Electrochemical DNA Detection with Low Nonspecific Binding” Electroanalysis, 22, 2615-2619 (2010).

2.   Md. Rajibul Akanda, Md. Abdul Aziz, Kyungmin Jo, Vellaiappillai Tamilavan, Myung Ho Hyun, Sinyoung Kim and Haesik Yang*, “Optimization of Phosphatase- and Redox Cycling-Based Immunosensors and Its Application to ultrasensitive Detection of Troponin I” Anal. Chem., 83, 3926-3933 (2011).

3.   Md. Rajibul Akanda, Yu-Lim Choi, and Haesik Yang, “Outer sphere to Inner sphere redox cycling for ultrasensitive Immunosensor” Anal. Chem., 84(2), 1049-1055 (2012).

4.   Amardeep Singh, Srikanta Patra, Md. Rajibul Akanda and Haesik Yang*,“Colorimetric bioassay using the catalytic ester hydrolysis by esterase-like Cu2+Sens. Actuators B, 171-172, 866-871, (2012).

5. Md. Rajibul Akanda, Vellaiappillai Tamilavan, Seonhwa Park, Kyungmin Jo, Myung Ho Hyun and Haesik Yang*, “Hydroquinone diphosphate as a phosphatase substrate in enzymatic amplification combined with electrochemical-chemical-chemical redox cycling for the detection of E.coli O157:H7” Anal. Chem., 85, 1631-1636, (2013).

6. Md. Rajibul Akanda, Hyou-Arm Joung, Vellaiappillai Tamilavan, Seonhwa Park, Sinyoung Kim, Myung Ho Hyun, Min-Gon Kim and Haesik Yang*, “An Intereference-Free and Rapid Electrochemical Lateral-flow Immunoassay for One-step Ultrasensitive Detection with Serum” Analyst, 139, 1420-1425, (2014).

7. Md. Azizul Islam, A. K. M. Lutfor Rahman, Md. Rajibul Akanda, N. C. Bhoumic*, “Synthesis and Characterization of Some Diamino-Mono-Dithiocarbamate Complexes of Cr(III)” Jagannath University Journal of Science, 3(II), June (2014).

8. Md. Rajibul Akanda, Manzar Sohail, Md. Abdul Aziz, and Abdel-Nasser Kawde, “Recent Advances in Nanomaterial-Modified Pencil Graphite  Electrodes for Electroanalysis” Electroanalysis, 28, 408-424(2016).

9. Mohammad Roman Miah, Abul Kalam Md. Lutfor Rahman*, Md. Rajibul Akanda, Abdullah Pulak and Md. Abdur Rouf, " Production of biogas from poultry litter mixed with the co-substrate cow dung " Journal of Taibah University for Science, 10(4), 497-504(2016).

10. Md. Rajibul Akanda, and Huangxian Ju*, "A tyrosinase-responsive nonenzymatic redox cycling for amplified electrochemical immunosensing of protein" Anal. Chem., 88(19), 9856−9861, (2016)

11. Md. Faruque Hossain, Abdul Awal, Md. Rajibul Akanda*, Md. Ataur Rahman,  A. K. M. Lutfor Rahman, Md. Abdur Rouf, “Market Vegetable waste combined with cow-dung” a potential and economically viable source of Bio-gas” Jagannath University Journal of Science, 5(I), 42-54, January (2016).

12. Md. Rajibul Akanda, and Huangxian Ju*, "An Integrated Redox Cycling for Electrochemical Enzymatic Signal Enhancement" Anal. Chem., 89, 13480-13486, (2017).

13. Md. Rajibul Akanda, and Huangxian Ju*, " Ferritin-Triggered Redox Cycling for Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Immunosensing of Protein" Anal. Chem., 90(13), 8028-8034, (2018).

14. Md. Aminul Haque, Md. Rajibul Akanda*, Delwar Hossain, M. Aminul Haque, Ismail A. Buliyaminu, Shaik Inayath Basha, Munetaka Oyama, and Md. Abdul Aziz*, "Preparation and characterization of Bhant leaves-derived nitrogen-doped carbon and its use as an electrocatalyst for detecting ketoconazole" Electroanalysis, 32, 528-435, 2020.

15. M. Aminul Haque, Md. Shamim Hossain, Md. Rajibul Akanda *, Md. Aminul Haque and Shamsun Naher, "Procedure Optimization of Limonia acidissima Leave Extraction as well as Silver Nanoparticle Synthesis for Prominent Antibacterial Activity " Journal of Chemistry Select, 4, 14276-14280, 2019.

16. Md. Rajibul Akanda a*, Abdalghaffar Mohammad Osmanb, Mazen Khaled Nazalc, and Md. Abdul Azizd*, "Recent Advancement on the Utilization of Indium Tin Oxide without surface modification with elelctrocalayst/elelctron mediator in Electroanalysis" Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167, 037534.

17. Md. Rajibul Akanda*, Md. Mehedi Hasan, Umme Habiba Ema, and M. Aminul Haque, "Optimization of Spondias mombin peel extract mediated synthesis of palladium nanoparticles as nanozyme exhibit potent multienzyme activity" Journal of The Iranian Chemical Society, 2021, 18, 3407-3415.

18. Md. Rajibul Akanda*, Aisha bibi, and Md. Abdul Aziz, "Recent advances in the use of biomass-derived activated carbon as an electrode material for electroanalysis" Journal of Chemistry Select, 2021, 6(26), 6714-6732.

19. Md. Rajibul Akanda*, Umme Habiba Ema, M. Aminul Haque, and Md. Mehedi Hasan " Comparative Study on Cupric Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesis in Saline Buffer versus Basic Water by Spondias mombin Peel Extract for  Biocatalysis" Journal of Inorganic and Nano-metal Chemistry, 2022, Just accepted.

20. Md. Rajibul Akanda*, Md. Hasan, and Md. Abdur Rouf " Recycling of waste or crude lubricating oil by vacuum distillation to produce reusable lubricants and its economic viability evaluation.." J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 2022, 46(1), 19-29.

21. Md. Rajibul Akanda*, Umme Habiba Ema, M. Aminul Haque, Md. Mehedi Hasan and Md. Al-amin Miah " Optimization of the Cupric Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesis by Novel Spondias mombin Peel Extract Exhibited Excellent Peroxidase Activity" J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 46(2), 135-145, 2022.

22. Md Rajibul Akanda * , Md Al-amin, Masrifa Akter Mele, Zunayed Mahmud Shuva, Md Billal Hossain, Taohedul Islam, Md Mehedi Hasan, Umme Habiba Ema" Parameters optimization of Fe3O4 NPs synthesis by Tamarindus indica leaf extract possessing both peroxidase as well as excellent dye removal activity" Heliyon, 9(6), e16699, 2023.

23. Md Mehedi Hasan, Md Rajibul Akanda * "Binding Agents and Packaging Materials of Supercapacitors from Biomass" Willey online library, chapter-24, 417-434, 2023.


24. Md. Delwar Hossain*, Shamsun naher, Md Rajibul Akanda, Mahmudur Rahman, Mesbah Uddin Ahmed, Koushik Saha "Chloroform Trituration Process-Assisted Extraction of Chemical Compounds from Male Flowers of Carica Papaya" JnUJSci., 9(II), 71-75, 2023.

25. Md Rajibul Akanda*, Md. Sohrawordi, M. Aminul Haque, Md. Shajib Shahrier, Nafees Ahmed " Preparation of novel green adsorbent (Tabernaemontana divaricata leaf powder) and evaluation of its dye (malachite green) removal capacity, Mechanism, kinetics, and phytotoxicity" S. Afr. J. Chem. Eng., In Press.


Papers in Preparation:

11. Md. Rajibul Akanda and Haesik Yang*, “Pt-nanocatalyst labeled electrochemical biosensor by NaBH4 electro-oxidation” On preparation to submit.

12. Md. Rajibul Akanda and Haesik Yang*, “Development of A Commercial Electrochemical Lateral-Flow Immunoassay for Clinical Sample Using Cost Effective and Reusable Patterned Carbon Paste Electrode” On preparation to submit.